
Igre iz sestavljanja računskih komponent : magistrsko delo
ID Šavs, Teja (Author), ID Demšar, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Nančovska Šerbec, Irena (Comentor)

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Aktivnosti, ki smo jih razvili v okviru magistrskega dela, se navezujejo na aktivnosti, razvite pri projektu CS Unplugged. Tema aktivnosti »sestavljanje računskih komponent« še ni pokrita z aktivnostmi projekta, zato predstavlja tudi njegovo nadgradnjo. Aktivnosti smo zasnovali za 4. razred osnovne šole, dodali pa smo jim tudi naloge, ki so primerne za učence zadnjega triletja. Znanje učencev, ki so ga pridobili preko izvedenih aktivnosti, smo primerjali z znanjem učencev, s katerimi omenjenih aktivnosti nismo izvajali. Ugotovili smo, da imata pri nalogah, ki pokrivajo poznavanje in razumevanje, obe skupini podobne dosežke. Razlike se kažejo pri nalogi, kjer preverjamo, ali so učenci sposobni posplošitve, kjer so učenci, s katerimi smo izvajali aktivnosti, dosegli boljše rezultate. Zelo malo učencev pa je bilo sposobnih prenašati znanja na novo situacijo, kar lahko pripišemo dejstvu, da imajo učenci s tem premalo izkušenj ali pa obupajo že pred reševanjem, kar je težava tudi pri drugih računalniških temah, na primer programiranju.

Keywords:računalništvo brez računalnika, sestavljanje sistemov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[T. Šavs]
Number of pages:91 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-71807 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10617417 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Games about combining computational components
Activities described within the thesis have been developed in relation to CS Unplugged project. Combining computational components topic has not yet been covered by activities of the project and it also represents its upgrade. Activities are designed for fourth grade elementary school students. We also added tasks appropriate for students in the last triad. Acquired student knowledge was compared with control group of students where activities were not implemented. We have learned that both groups had similar achievements covering knowledge and understanding. The main differences between the groups are reflected where we verified students generalisation ability. Students who attended the activities have achieved better results. Very few students were able to transfer knowledge to a new situation. This can be the result of missing experience or despair before approaching the problem. Similar difficulties are found in other computer sciences disciplines such as programming.

Keywords:teaching computer science

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