
Vpliv dramske dejavnosti na zmožnost sporazumevanja in raven osebnega zadovoljstva : specialistično delo
ID Vidrih, Alenka (Author), ID Kroflič, Breda (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vogrinc, Janez (Comentor)

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Performativna AV-metoda je oblika dramske dejavnosti, ki izhaja iz igralskega procesa. Predstavljena raziskava vključuje pet oseb z različnih področij, ki s pomočjo te metode raziskujejo lastne zmožnosti sporazumevanja. Pričakuje se izboljšanje komunikacijskih spretnosti in s tem njihov dejaven prispevek, predvsem v delovnem okolju. V kvalitativni raziskavi, v kateri je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda pedagoškega raziskovanja, preverjamo uporabnost in učinke performativne metode AV kot ene izmed oblik pomoči z umetnostjo. V obdobju sedmih mesecev je bilo izvedenih 28 delavnic, ki so potekale enkrat tedensko, dve uri. Načrt dela je bil pripravljen na osnovi teoretičnega gradiva, predhodnih izkušenj ter ugotovitev pri delu z ljudmi, sproti smo ga usklajevali s potrebami procesa in udeležencev na delavnicah. S pomočjo vaj in tehnik ter nato znotraj dramskega prostora so udeleženci igrali življenjske situacije ter se vživljali v različne življenjske vloge. Na ta način so ozaveščali in spoznavali lastne komunikacijske vzorce, kar je vključevalo najmanj še ozaveščanje vzorcev razmišljanja in čustvovanja. Sproti so preverjali tudi svoja stališča do ozaveščanja vzorcev. Pridobljene izkušnje v dramskem prostoru so lahko neposredno preizkušali in uporabljali v realnem, delovnem okolju ter se z odzivi ponovno vračali v dramski prostor. Podatki za analizo so bili zbrani s skupinskim intervjujem na začetku ter z delno strukturiranim individualnim intervjujem, opravljenim z vsemi osebami, ob zaključku celotnega procesa. Ugotovitve raziskave potrjujejo uporabnost performativne metode AV, pri čemer udeleženci največji pomen za to pripisujejo ozaveščanju vzorcev. Ugotovljen je bil napredek v zmožnostih sporazumevanja udeležencev in izboljšanje njihovega osebnega zadovoljstva.

Keywords:pomoč z umetnostjo, dramska terapija, performativna metoda AV, komunikacijski vzorci, osebno zadovoljstvo
Work type:Specialist thesis
Typology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Vidrih]
Number of pages:156 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-71798 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10616137 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Influences of drama activities on communication abilities and level of personal wellbeing
The performative AV method is the form of drama activities mainly sourced from acting process. In present research five individuals/experts, coming from different areas are included. The aim of the research was to explore their communication abilities through drama activities. In addition to the aim mentioned above we wanted to improve knowledge of communication skills to contribute actively to the well-being in the working environment. The qualitative descriptive method was used to check the usefulness and impacts of the performative AV method as one of the drama activities of Arts Therapies. In the period of seven months there were 28 workshops of two hours carried out once a week. The action plan was prepared on the basis of theoretical material, previous experiences and findings at work with people. It was simultaneously adapted to the process and needs of the workshop participants. The participants in presented drama activities first worked on the acting exercises and techniques, and after with role playing. They put their real life situations into the space of drama action. By this the different communication patterns were presented to participants, including at least the thinking and emotion patterns and simultaneously their attitude about themselves. The participants directly tested and used the experiences obtained in the drama area in their real, working environment and they could return with the feedback into the space of drama action. The analysis data were collected by a group interview at the beginning and mainly by a structural individual interview, carried out with all the participants at the end of the drama process. The findings of the research confirmed the usefulness of the process, where the participants attached the greatest importance to the awareness patterns. It was also found out that AV method improved communication abilities among experts.

Keywords:arts therapies

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