
Zagotavljanje kibernetske varnosti v pametnih omrežjih
ID MAHNE, ANDRAŽ (Author), ID Kos, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8D3F916202D33522FB1B1B2E8A95C32D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f1c6e718-6ff4-40fb-8657-ec7fe48f569a

Zagotavljanje električne energije, ki ima najvišjo prioriteto kritičnosti med kritično infrastrukturo Republike Slovenije, za svoje delovanje potrebuje razdelilne transformatorske postaje. Le-te vsebujejo inteligentne elektronske naprave, ki so produkti različnih proizvajalcev in predstavljajo ranljivo točko iz vidika zagotavljanja varnih informacij. Zato je še posebej pomembno zagotavljanje večje varnosti in uspešne komunikacije med posameznimi napravami. V diplomski nalogi smo se poglobili v komunikacijski standard IEC 61850, namenjen komunikaciji med inteligentnimi elektronskimi napravami ter varnostni standard IEC 62351, ki vnaša natančne varnostne mehanizme za profile TCP/IP, MMS, IEC 60870-5 ter IEC 61850. Opisali smo značilnosti obeh standardov in uporabljene novosti, ki omogočajo interoperabilnost med napravami. Predstavili smo varnostne mehanizme, implementirane v naprave IED, ter minimalne zahteve za te rešitve. Predstavili smo tudi varnostne rešitve za kibernetsko varnost postaj aktivnega omrežja. Kljub jasnim določilom standarda IEC 62351 vgrajene naprave IED niso kos izvedbi vseh potrebnih določil, zato realno stanje ne odraža zadostne varnosti.

Keywords:kritična infrastruktura, aktivno omrežje, razdelilna transformatorska postaja, standard IEC 61850, standard IEC 62351, IED
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-71768 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Cyber Security in SmartGrid Networks
The provision of electrical energy, which has the highest priority among critical infrastructure in Slovenia, consists of substations. Inside each the substation, there are intelligent electronic devices which are products of various manufacturers and are a weak spot in providing secure information. Successful and secure communication between these devices are the two most important aspects of IED. This diploma thesis focuses on communication standard IEC 61850, designed for communication between intelligent electronic devices and security standard IEC 62351, providing various security mechanisms for profiles as TCP/IP, MMS, IEC 60870-5 and IEC 61850. The aim is to analize features of both of standards, especially those enabling interoperability. Security mechanism implemented in IEDs and minimal requirements regarding those IEDs are also described in depth. At the end, security solutions for cyber security of smart grid substations are outlined. Despite known stipulations listed in standard IEC 62351, built-in IEDs are not capable of executing these provisons, leaving space for vulnerability.

Keywords:critical infrastructure, smart grid, substation, standard IEC 61850, standard IEC 62351, IED

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