
Razvoj programskega vmesnika za učinkovit dostop do virov in podatkov Interneta stvari
ID CELARC, MATEJ (Author), ID Pogačnik, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: F5A1CDC6C04D1B969BEE8606DEC09A45
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8e8d51e3-e38d-452f-b930-2cb7b90ae857

Ob koncu prejšnjega desetletja je število v internet povezanih naprav preseglo število ljudi na zemlji. Danes je takih naprav že okrog 25 milijard, obsegajo pa vse od pametnih telefonov, ur in zapestnic, z množico vgrajenih senzorjev, do pametnih termostatov, ključavnic in domofonov, ki so dostopni od kjerkoli in delajo naše domove pametne. Do konca desetletja se bo ta številka še podvojila, s pomočjo širitve na področja kot so zdravstvo, kjer bodo te naprave omogočile oddaljeno sledenje zdravstvenega stanja bolnikov; distribucija električne energije, kjer bodo s pametnimi omrežji pomagale k učinkovitejši proizvodnji in rabi električne energije; pametna mesta, kjer bodo s spremljanjem in prilagajanjem različnih parametrov pripomogle k učinkovitejšemu in prijetnejšemu sobivanju in soustvarjanju meščanov; navsezadnje pa bodo kot gradniki pametnih tovarn postale gonilo četrte industrijske revolucije. Zgoraj naštete naprave predstavljajo posamezne delčke Interneta stvari, ki se pogosto povezujejo v brezžična senzorska omrežja. Ta zajemajo množico meritev različnih senzorjev, s pomočjo IoT-platform pa zajete podatke zbirajo, analizirajo in razširjajo, s čimer iz njih ustvarjajo informacije in zagotavljajo storitve. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili zahteve, implementacijo in ovrednotenje zmogljivosti programskega vmesnika (API) IoT-platforme, ki podpira spreminjanje podatkovne baze z uporabo operacij CRUD, iskanje po bazi podatkov z iskalnimi parametri, ima strojno in človeško berljivo arhitekturo, omogoča dostavo podatkov v realnem času in varen dostop do podatkovne baze. Predlagan programski vmesnik je bil razvit kot del platforme Videk, z uporabo arhitekturnega stila REST in protokola WebSocket pa zadosti zahtevam, ki jih postavljajo sodobne IoT-platforme. Ovrednotenje zmogljivosti predlaganega programskega vmesnika nam je pokazalo, da je primeren za zbiranje meritev v hitro spreminjajočem se okolju z dinamično konfiguracijo priključenih naprav.

Keywords:programski vmesnik, API, REST, WebSocket, objavi/naroči, internet stvari (IoT), brezžična senzorska omrežja
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-71767 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.07.2015
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Title:Development of the programming interface for efficient access to IoT resources and data
At the end of the last decade, number of internet connected devices surpassed the number of people on earth. Today, there are more than 25 billion internet connected deviced, ranging from smartphones, smartwatches and activity trackers, with a plethora of embedded sensors, to smart thermometers, door locks and intercoms, accessible from anywhere, making our homes smart. By the end of this decade, this number is about to double by spreading to areas such as health care, enabling remote monitoring of patient's medical condition; electrical energy distribution, providing smart grids for efficient production and distribution of electricity; smart city, creating more efficient and comfortable living and working environment for citizens by monitoring and adjusting various parameters; providing building blocks for smart factories and thus driving the fourth industrial revolution. This devices helped create a phenomenon called the Internet of things and often form wireless sensor networs. This networks generate data from sensor measurements, which are gathered, analysed and distributed by IoT-platforms, creating information and providing services. In the thesis we presented requirements for, implementation and performance evaluation of an IoT platform API supporting database manipulation using CRUD operations, database querying with parameters, machine and human readable architecture, real-time data delivery and secure access to the database. The proposed API was developed as a part of Videk platform that conforms to identified IoT platform requirements by following REST architecture style and supporting the WebSocket protocol. Performance evaluation of the proposed API confirmed its suitability also for collecting measurements in fast changing environment and dynamically configurable connected devices.

Keywords:API, REST, WebSocket, publish/subscribe, Internet of Things (IoT), wireless sensor network (WSN)

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