
Zaključitve prenosnih linij na tiskanih vezjih
ID DOKIĆ, DIMITRI (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 723136D653AD2C3FC3E9151B57C037CB
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/eada7025-a32c-4b6e-9171-9c196440bc19

Diplomska naloga opisuje razvoj testnega vezja, katerega namen je preizkusiti delovanje različnih zaključitev na dolgi prenosni linij pri različnih visokih frekvencah. V uvodnem delu je opisana integriteta signalov, povezava integritete signalov in elektromagnetne kompatibilnosti naprav z zasnovo linij na tiskanih vezjih in linijski efekti na prenosnih linijah. V nadaljevanju je opisana teorija prenosnih linij: brezizgubna in realna prenosna linija, karakteristična impedanca linije, izračuni za različne tipe linij na tiskanih vezjih in vrste linij na tiskanih vezjih. Podrobnejše so predstavljeni odboji in način analiziranja potovanja signala po liniji, tipi zaključitev in praktični izračuni. Opisane so smernice, ki so bile upoštevane pri izdelavi testnega vezja, sestava in delovanje testnega vezja. Analiza prenosne linije poteka v dveh korakih: z računalniško analizo delovanja zaključitev na liniji z uporabo programa LT Spice in realnimi meritvami. Pri primerjavi smo med sabo primerjali obliko signala in napetostne nivoje. Primerjava simulacij in realnih meritev nam na koncu pove, katera oziroma katere zaključitve so se v našem primeru izkazale za najboljše in zakaj. Pri določanju najboljšega rezultata smo želeli čim bliže ujemanje analize in realnih meritev, ob tem pa smo bili pozorni na to, da je zaključitev dejansko omilila ali v celoti izničila odboje.

Keywords:prenosna linija, karakteristična impedanca, odboji, hitrost potovanja signala, zaključitve
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-71761 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Terminations of transmission lines on printed circuit boards
This diploma thesis deals with the development of the test PCB design for testing various termination methods on a long transmission line at different high frequencies. The introduction contains a description of signal integrity, relationship between signal integrity and transmission line design on PCB, relationship between devices electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and PCB design, and line effects. Further on, the theory of transmission lines is presented: lossless transmission line and loss transmission line, characteristic impedance, basic calculations for different types of transmission lines on PCB and calculations of time propagation delay on lines. Moreover, reflections and a method for analyzing signal traveling on the line, types of terminations and practical calculations are described in further detail. The thesis outlines the guidelines applied in test PCB designing and defines the structure and functioning of the PCB. The analysis of a transmission line is carried out in two steps: a computer simulation of all the terminations using Spice Lt program and real measurements. We compared the shape of each signal and voltage levels. The comparison between simulations and real measurements showed, in the end, which termination was best in our PCB design and why. In determining the best results, we aimed to get as close as possible to the best match between simulations and real measurements, paying attention to the fact that the termination either weakened or completely removed reflections.

Keywords:transmission line, characteristic impedance, reflections, time propagation delay, terminations

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