
Razvoj krmilne logike elektronskega nivojskega prehoda z daljinskim vodenjem
ID MODIC, ROK (Author), ID Mušič, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5C309C0ECAFBF0B4348C7DB9403666E7
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/83fa6f69-91ea-40f0-9d15-39d8ebf21f0d

Diplomsko delo opisuje razvoj krmilne logike nivojskega prehoda z daljinskim vodenjem. Nivojski prehod predstavlja varnostno kritično točko v križanju cestnega in železniškega prometa, zato mora biti narejen tako, da zadostuje najvišjim varnostnim standardom. Pred samim razvojem programa je potrebna podrobnejša študija delovanja nivojskega prehoda z daljinskim vodenjem in vseh varnostnih naprav, ki sodelujejo v procesu zavarovanja nivojskega prehoda. S pomočjo teh znanj in pravilnika o nivojskih prehodih sem zbral zahteve za delovanje programa nivojskega prehoda. Na podlagi zahtev sem tudi razvil krmilno logiko nivojskega prehoda z daljinskim vodenjem za modularni sistem HIMatriX F60. Za programiranje in testiranje krmilne logike nivojskega prehoda je bilo uporabljeno namensko orodje SILworX. Za potrebe testiranja delovanja je bilo treba tudi izdelati simulator signalno varnostnih naprav nivojskega prehoda. Rezultat naloge je program, ki zagotavlja avtonomno delovanje nivojskega prehoda, ki ves čas javlja stanje delovanja oddaljenemu kontrolnemu mestu in se v primeru zaznane napake postavi v varno stanje.

Keywords:nivojski prehod, daljinska kontrola, daljinsko vodenje, železniški promet, HIMA, HIMatriX F60, SILworX
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-71759 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Control logic development for a remotely controlled electronic level crossing
The thesis describes the development of the control logic of level crossing with remote control. The level crossing represents a safety critical point in the crossing of road and rail traffic, therefore it needs to be made according to the highest security standards. Before the development of the program a more thorough study of the operations of the control logic of level crossing with remote control and all the security devices, participating in the insurance process of the level crossing, is needed. With the help of this knowledge and the Rules on railway level crossings I collected all the demands to operate the program for level crossing. Based on the demands I also developed a control logic of level crossing with remote control for the modular system HIMatriX F60. For programming and testing the control logic of level crossing with remote control I used the tool SILworX. For the needs of performance testing it was necessary to manufacture a simulator of signalling-safety devices of the level crossing. The result of the thesis is a program that ensures autonomous operating of the level crossing, which constantly reports the operating status to a remote control place and slips into safe mode in the case of a perceived error.

Keywords:level crossing, remote monitoring, remote control, rail traffic, HIMA, HIMatriX F60, SILworX.

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