
Mikrobiološka aktivnost v obdobju pojavljanja polisaharidno bogatih makroagregatov v Tržaškem zalivu : diplomsko delo
ID Kalin, Meta (Author), ID Turk, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V spomladanskem obdobju leta 2004 smo raziskovali razporeditev združbe heterotrofnih bakterij v vzhodnem delu Tržaškega zaliva. Bakterijske celice smo šteli pod epifluorescentnm mikroskopom. Bakterijsko produkcijo smo merili z metodo asimilacije radioaktivno označene spojine 3H-timidin in 3H-leucin. Število bakterij na dveh postajah Tržaškega zaliva se je spreminjalo od 0,2z109 do 2,1z109 celic/L. Najbolj izrazit padec bakterijske biomase smo beležili v maju, visoko biomaso pa smo beležili v času pojava sluzastih makroagregatov. Vzorce sluzastih makroagregatov smo pregledovali s pomočjo različnih mikroskopskih tehnik (svetlobni, epifluorescentni in elektronski mikroskop). V obdobju pojava sluzi smo izolirali posamezne bakterijske kolonije in jim določili osnovne morfološke znake. Z metodo fluorescentne in situ hibridizacije (FISH) smo opravili preliminarne analize določanje bakterijskih filogenetskih skupin. Bakterijske kolonije smo uporabili v dveh poskusih obogatitve morske vode z anorganskimi in organskimi hranili. Organsko hranilo je predstavljala sluz z visokim deležem polisaharidov. Odziv bakterijske združbe na dodatek hranil je bil hiter in se kaže v povečanju števila bakterijskih celic in visoki bakterijski produkciji že v prvih 24 urah. Sluz je heterotrofnim bakterijam služila kot vir energije in ogljika. V ta namen smo sledili koncentracijam celokupnih ogljikovih hidratov in proteinov. Spremembe v koncentraciji celokupnih ogljikovih hidratov so najverjetneje posledica povečanja bakterijske encimatske aktivnosti in istočasnega ponovnega privzema sproščenih ogljikovih hidratov. Preliminarni rezultati kažejo na velik pomen bakterijske heterotrofne združbe v procesih pretvorbe organske snovi v morskem ekosistemu.

Keywords:morje, mikrobiologija, kultura
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[M. Kalin]
Number of pages:40 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-71684 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1566799 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Distribution of heterotrophic bacteria was studied during spring period in 2004 at two different locations in the Gulf of Trieste (Adriatic Sea). Bacterial abundance was determined using the counting method on epifluorescence microscope. Bacterial production was measured with the method of incorporation of radio-labelled 3Hthymidine and 3H-leucine. Bacterial abundance at both locations varied between 0,2z109 and 2,1z109 cell/L. In May the bacterial biomass was low, but an increase in biomass quantity in the period of mucus macroaggregate appearance was observed. In further studies themucus macroaggregate samples were examined with different microscopic (optical, epifluorescence and electronic) and microbiological techniques. Bacterial colonies isolated on agar plates formed different morphological details. Preliminary analysis of bacterial phylogenetic diversity was performed with the fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) method. The influence of addition of inorganic and organic nutrient on bacterial growth dynamics were studied on previously isolated bacteria in two laboratory experiments. The concentration of nutrient, total carbohydrates and protein were studied simultaneously with bacterial biomass and production. Mucus with high portion of polysaccharides served as an organic nutrient for bacteria. Asconsequence changes in carbohydrates concentration were observed probably duo to increased bacterial enzymatic activity, and in the same time bacterial consumption of released carbohydrates. Our preliminary results showed that therole of heterotrophic bacterial community is of great significance in the process of transformation of organic matter in marine ecosystem.

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