
Sporočilna moč plakata kot umetniškega medija v komunikaciji z družbo : diplomsko delo
ID Klenovšek, Maja (Author), ID Huzjan, Zdenko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2801 This link opens in a new window

Je slika res vredna več kot tisoč besed? V času multimedijske komunikacije, instantnega posredovanja in računalniške tehnologije, se zdi, da smo postali bolj kot kdajkoli odvisni od vizualne komunikacije in kulture kot načina za razvoj socialne in kulturne identitete. Plakat kot umetniški medij, produkt grafičnega oblikovanja in učinkovit pripomoček za aktivno socialno participacijo v takšni družbi še vedno cveti kot pomembna oblika umetnosti in primarni način množičnega komuniciranja. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na analizo plakata kot umetniške produkcije v družbi z različnih vidikov, ki ga bistveno opredeljujejo, ter raziskavi mnogoterih dejavnikov, ki so skozi zgodovino vplivali na njegov pojav ter razvoj. Kakovost in pomen plakatov je odvisna od mnogih činiteljev, vedno pa je v neposredni povezavi s prostorom in časom ter družbeno situacijo, v kateri nastane. Z možnostmi produkcije in reprodukcije dandanes pa se utapljamo v poplavi takšnih in drugačnih plakatov, ki jim zaradi komercialnosti težko pripisujemo umetniški pomen. Vzroki za raziskovanje tematike plakata se skrivajo ravno v sporočilni moči le-tega. Diplomsko delo opozarja, da plakat nima zgolj ekonomske funkcije, temveč predstavlja kulturni in socialni fenomen. Obenem tudi nagovarja h kritičnemu mišljenju, k aktivni participaciji v družbi ter socialnokritični ustvarjalnosti. Zgodovinski pregled in predstavjena dela nazorno predstavljajo vpliv, ki ga ima lahko kos papirja, če ga definirajo pravi prostor in čas, likovne zakonitosti oblikovanja, ter idejno močna zasnova, ki se odziva na določeno družbeno situacijo.

Keywords:plakat, grafično oblikovanje, umetniška in industrijska grafika, socialno angažirana umetnost, slovenski plakat, komunikacijska moč plakata
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Klenovšek]
Number of pages:89 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-70275 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10545481 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Communicative value of the poster as artistic media in communication with society
Is a picture really worth a thousand words? In this age of multimedia communication, instant transmission and computerized technology, it seems that we have become more dependent than ever on visual communication and culture as ways of developing a social and cultural identity. In such society, poster as an artistic media, a product of graphic design and powerful tool for active social participation in such society continues to flourish as a significant art form and primary means of mass communication. The diploma focuses on the analysis of the poster as artistic production in the society from different perspectives, which essentially define it, and the study of multiple historical factors that have had an impact on its emergence and the development. The quality and importance of the poster depend on variety of factors, but are always in direct relation to space and time, and social situation in which it occurs. Because of the range of current possibilities of production and reproduction, we are drowning in a flood of posters, to which due to their commercialism it is hard to ascribe any artistic significance. Reasons for the research of the topic of poster lay in its communicative value. The diploma points out that the poster does not have merely economic functions, but represents a cultural and social phenomenon. At the same time, it urges one towards critical thinking, active participation in society, and socially engaged creativity. Historical review and presented posters clearly account for the impact that a piece of paper can have, if it is defined by the right space and time, the artistic principles of graphic design, and powerful conceptual identity that responds to a particular social situation.

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