
Didaktični materiali za razvijanje jezikovnih zmožnosti v vrtcu : diplomsko delo
ID Berčan, Katarina (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2725 This link opens in a new window

Diplomsko delo z naslovom Didaktični materiali za razvijanje jezikovnih zmožnosti v vrtcu je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. Teoretični del diplomskega dela najprej predstavi področje jezika v javnem vrtcu ter materiale, ki jih vzgojiteljice in vzgojitelji uporabljajo na omenjenem področju. Opisuje cilje, ki jih želijo vzgojiteljice in vzgojitelji doseči, jezikovna področja, didaktične materiale za jezikovno področje v vrtcu in vlogo vzgojitelja. V drugem delu teoretičnega dela je predstavljen jezik v pedagoškem konceptu montessori. Opisane so osnove pedagoškega koncepta, obdobja rasti, principi vzgoje, predstavljene so faze učenja ter materiali montessori s tehniko predstavitve in z opisanim okoljem montessori. Predstavljeni so tudi nekateri jezikovni materiali montessori, področja aktivnosti in vloga vzgojitelja. Ker so javni vrtci in vrtci montessori zelo različni, je na koncu teoretičnega dela tudi kratka primerjava obeh vzgojnih konceptov pri uporabi didaktičnih materialov za področje jezika. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati anonimne ankete vzgojiteljic javnega vrtca Ciciban – Šmartno pri Litiji ter naključnih vzgojiteljic in vzgojiteljev, ki smo jim anketo poslali prek spleta. Rezultati prikazujejo delež vzgojiteljic in vzgojiteljev v javnem vrtcu, ki uporabljajo jezikovne didaktične materiale, katere didaktične materiale uporabljajo na področju jezika v vrtcu, ali imajo poleg knjižnega kotička še kakšen drug jezikovni kotiček, delež vzgojiteljic in vzgojiteljev v javnem vrtcu, ki pozna materiale montessori za jezikovno področje, katere montessori materiale za jezikovno področje poznajo vzgojiteljice in vzgojitelji, ali naštete materiale montessori za področje jezika uporabljajo pri načrtovanju jezikovne vzgoje v vrtcu in pri katerih jezikovnih vsebinah.

Keywords:vzgojitelji, montessori vrtec, javni vrtec
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[K. Berčan]
Number of pages:IX, 55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-69300 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10416457 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Didactic materials for the development of language ability in preschool
The thesis titled Didactic materials for the development of linguistic skills in the kindergarten is divided into the theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part of the thesis firstly presents the field of language in public kindergartens and materials, used by preschool teachers in the discussed field. It describes desired goals of the preschool teachers, linguistic fields, didactic materials for the linguistic field in the kindergarten and the role of the preschool teacher. The second part of the theoretical part presents language in the pedagogical concept montessori. Described are also basics of the pedagogical concept, periods of growth, principles of education, learning phases and montessori materials with the presentation technique and described montessori environment. Presented are also some linguistic montessori materials, fields of activities and the role of the preschool teacher. Since public kindergartens and montessori kindergartens are very different, the end of the theoretical part provides a brief comparison of both educational concepts for the use of didactical materials in the linguistic field. The empirical part presents results of the anonymous survey among preschool teachers of the public kindergarten Ciciban – Šmartno pri Litiji and random preschool teachers, who were provided with the survey over the internet. The results show the share of preschool teachers of a public kindergarten that use linguistic didactic materials, which didactic materials the use in linguistic field in the kindergarten, whether they have another linguistic corner besides the book corner, the share of preschool teachers in the public kindergarten, who are familiar with montessori materials, whether they use the stated montessori materials for the linguistic field in planning the lingual education in the kindergarten and for which linguistic topics.

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