
Slovenske in evropske pravljičarke
ID Blažić, Milena Mileva (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/2723/ This link opens in a new window

Slovensko pravljičarstvo ima za seboj skoraj stopetdeset let razvoja. Pravljičarji in pravljičarke so se sinhrono vključili v evropske tokove sredi 19. stoletja. Takrat so bile tudi pri nas avtorice v manjšini, v obdobju med obema svetovnima vojnama so bile številčno že skoraj izenačene z avtorji, v obdobju 1950–1980 pa je prišlo do feminizacije pravljičarstva. Pomembno vlogo je kot avtorica, prevajalka in urednica na založbi Mladinska knjiga imela Kristina Brenk, ki je zasnovala tudi mednarodno inovativen projekt, zbirko pravljic Zlata ptica. V sodobnem času, posebej po letu 1990, je ne le v Sloveniji, ampak tudi v Evropi opaziti neke vrste renesanso pravljičarstva, ki je motivirana z evropskimi integracijskimi procesi. V času sodobne slovenske književnosti (po letu 1980) je bila pravljici posvečena tudi precejšnja raziskovalna pozornost.

Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:Maribor, Mariborska knjižnica, Pedagoška fakulteta ; Ljubljana, Pionirska knjižnica
Number of pages:66-73
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-69298 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

The history of Slovene fairy-tale telling is almost hundred fifty years long. In the middle of the 19th century male and female fairy-tale tellers synchronously participated in the European currents. At that time female authors were in minority in Slovenia; in the period between the two world wars, however, they were already almost equal to men regarding numbers, while the period from 1950–1980 was marked by considerable feminization of fairy-tale telling. Special credit in this respect goes to Kristina Brenk as an author, translator and editor at the publishing house Mladinska knjiga, who initiated an internationally innovative project, a fairy-tale collection Zlata ptica. In contemporary time, especially after 1990, not only Slovenia but also Europe have been witnessing a kind of fairy-tale telling renaissance, fuelled by European integration processes. In the time of contemporary Slovene literature (after 1980) fairy-tale was also a subject of considerable research attention.

Keywords:fairy tale

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