
Moj novi vrtec : participacija otrok v vrtcu
ID Marjanovič, Monika (Author), ID Turnšek, Nada (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Raziskave kažejo, da večina slovenskih otrok doživlja, da odločitve odraslih v vrtcu prevladajo nad njihovimi željami; navedeno ponazarja izjava otroka povzeta v kvalitativni raziskavi: »Vidve sta glavni.« Odločanje je omejeno zgolj na aktivnosti, na otroški »svet«, medtem ko otroci lahko zelo malo vplivajo na organizacijo življenja v vrtcu, na vsakdanje rutine ter dejavnosti in vsebine, katerih pobudniki so odrasli. Vzgojitelji pogosto ne vedo, kakšnih odločitev so otroci zmožni, o čem se otroci lahko odločajo, ali kako jih vključiti v odločanje (Turnšek, 2011). V prvem delu diplomske naloge so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča participacije, posebna pozornost je namenjena pedagoškemu konceptu Reggio Emilia, ki prek odnosne pedagogike, pedagogike poslušanja, etike participacije, aktivnega učenja in raziskovalnih projektov uresničuje participacijo otrok tako v teoretičnih izhodiščih kot v praksi. Podrobneje so podana mnenja različnih strokovnjakov o prednostih in pomanjkljivostih tega pristopa. V tem delu sem se osredotočila tudi na dileme in mnenja vzgojiteljev, ki so ključnega pomena pri uresničevanju načel participacije v slovenskih vrtcih, in opisala metodo reševanja problema odprtega tipa (open-ended problem solving) (Maxim, 1989), ki sem jo uporabila pri izvedbi projekta. V empiričnem delu je predstavljen projekt Moj novi vrtec – participacija otrok v vrtcu, v katerem so otroci prek reševanja problema odprtega tipa podajali rešitve za probleme, ideje in želje po dejavnostih v novi igralnici in jih z aktivnim sodelovanjem tudi uresničevali. Podana je tudi analiza intervjuja z vzgojiteljicami, ki so predstavile svoje izkušnje in poglede na participativno vključenost otrok ter izrazile dileme in vprašanja, ki so se jim ob tem pojavljali.

Keywords:Reggio Emilia, projektno delo, odprti tip reševanja problemov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Marjanovič]
Number of pages:52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-69248 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10385993 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:My new preschool – children's participation in the preschool setting
The majority of Slovene children believe that their wishes are overpowered by the decisions of adults. This viewpoint can be illustrated by this statement: "You two are in charge." Decision making is restricted to activities and the children's "world"; children thus have very little influence on the organisation of life in kindergarten, everyday routines and activities and content that are initiated by adults. Kindergarten teachers are often unaware of what decisions children are capable of making, what they can decide on and how to involve them in decision making (Turnšek, 2011). The first part of the thesis presents theoretical background for participation, with special attention devoted to the pedagogical concept of Reggio Emilia. This approach puts the theoretical participation of children into practice through relational pedagogy, the pedagogy of listening, the ethic of participation, active learning and research projects. Furthermore, the thesis provides the opinions of different experts regarding the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. It also deals with the dilemmas and opinions of teachers, who are crucial for implementing the principles of participation in Slovene kindergartens, and describes the method of open-ended problem solving (Maxim, 1989) that was applied in the project. The empirical part of the thesis outlines the project entitled My new preschool – children's participation in the preschool setting in which the children engaged in open-ended problem solving to find solutions to problems, ideas and wishes in different activities in the new playroom. They also implemented them through active participation. The thesis contains an analysis of interviews with the teachers who shared their experience and views on the participation of children. They also pointed to certain dilemmas and questions they encountered in the process.

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