In my diploma work I've wished to find out how the nursery teachers, children and parents express the greetings arriving and leaving the day nursery. I was also interested how they express thanks and apologies in their everyday situations while staying in the day nursery.
In the theoretical part I've defined the nurturing and its way in the day nursery ( who the nursery teacher is, his tasks, and what is the communication like in the day nursery), the relation speech, the grreetings, thanks, and apologies and the way of expressing them.
In the empirical part there are the results of my research made in four groups of variously aged children in the day nursery. I've found out they are imitatig the adults. As for greetings they are usual by the parents and nursery teachers but bad by children. Thanks and apologies were mostly expressed by the nursery teachers. A low percentage of apologies were expressed by children, and some more of thanks.
The nursery teachers and children are usually greeting unformally, but they often thank and apologize formally.Men are greeting the nursery teachers formally more often than women. The nursery teachers are more formal with men than women with women as well.
Expressing thanks, apologies and greetings is not connected with the nursery teachers' degree of education and working period.