
Potrebe potencialno nadarjenega otroka v predšolskem obdobju : študija primera
ID Seme, Tara (Author), ID Juriševič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zrim Martinjak, Nataša (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2477 This link opens in a new window

V svojem diplomskem delu sem se ukvarjala s kognitivnimi, socialnimi in emocionalnimi značilnostmi in potrebami (potencialno) nadarjenih predšolskih otrok. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opisala nekaj razvojnih značilnosti predšolskih otrok ter opredelila pojem nadarjenosti. Nato sem podrobneje opisala značilnosti in potrebe nadarjenih otrok na vsakem od izbranih treh razvojnih področij. Opisala sem tudi, kako lahko prepoznamo nadarjene otroke v vrtcu ter kakšne so možne oblike dela z njimi. Raziskala sem, kakšno je stanje na področju dela z nadarjenimi v slovenskih vrtcih, kaj o tem menijo vzgojiteljice in kateri programi se izvajajo. Teoretični del sem zaključila s pregledom možnosti zaposlitve socialnih pedagogov v vrtcih in specifičnih kompetenc socialnih pedagogov, ki jim lahko pomagajo pri delu z nadarjenimi. Za potrebe empiričnega dela sem izvedla študijo primera potencialno nadarjenega otroka v vrtcu, v okviru katere sem opravila opazovanje otroka in dva intervjuja, enega z njegovo vzgojiteljico, enega pa z njegovimi starši. Na osnovi tako pridobljenih podatkov sem ugotavljala, kakšne so kognitivne, socialne in emocionalne značilnosti in potrebe konkretnega otroka ter kako je za te potrebe v vrtcu poskrbljeno. Ugotovila sem, da fantek kaže izrazito potrebo po stiku z odraslimi na vseh treh področjih razvoja, hkrati pa potrebuje še nekaj podpore na socialnem in emocionalnem področju. Izvedela sem tudi, da sta starša zadovoljna z delom v otrokovi skupini, vzgojiteljica pa meni, da otrok zagotovo kaže potrebo po nekem dodatnem delu. V sklepu sem povzela ugotovitve, do katerih sem prišla, in na podlagi tega oblikovala predlog za delo socialnega pedagoga z obravnavanim otrokom in širše s populacijo potencialno nadarjenih predšolskih otrok.

Keywords:vloga socialnega pedagoga, otrokove potrebe, nadarjen otrok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[T. Seme]
Number of pages:44 str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-69069 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10231881 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The needs of a potentially gifted pre-school child
My thesis deals with cognitive, social and emotional characteristics and needs of (potentially) gifted pre-school children. In the theoretical part, I first described some developmental characteristics of pre-school children and defined the concept of giftedness. Then I described the characteristics and needs of gifted children in each of three chosen areas of development in more detail. I also described how to recognise gifted children in kindergarten and what are some possible ways of working with them. I researched the state of provision for potentially gifted children in Slovenian kindergartens as well as the preschool teachers’ attitudes towards this topic, and which programs have been carried out. Finally, I concluded the theoretical part with an overview of options for social pedagogues’ employment in kindergartens and specific competences of social pedagogues that can aid them when working with gifted children. For the empirical part, I carried out a case study of a potentially gifted child in kindergarten, during which I conducted an observation of the child and two interviews, one with his teacher and one with his parents. Based on these results, I determined the cognitive, social and emotional characteristics and needs of this particular child and assessed how these needs are taken care of in the kindergarten. I discovered that the boy shows an explicit need for contact with adults in all three areas of development, but at the same time needs some support in the social and emotional areas. I also learned that his parents are happy with the work that’s being done in his kindergarten group, while the teacher believes that the child definitely shows a need for additional work. In the conclusion, I summarised my findings and used them to form a suggestion for how a social pedagogue could work with the child in question as well as with the general population of potentially gifted preschool children.

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