
Učinkovito učiteljevo javno govorno nastopanje kot temelj za uresničevanje sodobnega in kakovostnega vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa
ID Petek, Tomaž (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/2358/ This link opens in a new window

Prispevek predstavlja model sodobne in celovite priprave učitelja na kakovostno javno govorno nastopanje kot izziv za poučevanje prihodnjih generacij. Ugotavljamo, da se zaradi spremenjenih pogledov na sodoben in učinkovit pouk v sodobni družbi učiteljevo »predavanje« kot značilna retorična vrsta oz. ena temeljnih enogovornih govorjenih besedilnih vrst, ki jih v razredu tvori učitelj, močno spreminja. Za učiteljevo pripravo na učinkovito govorno nastopanje ne zadoščajo več samo pravila t. i. klasične retorike. Pri razvijanju zmožnosti javnega govornega nastopanja mora biti učitelj pozoren na zmožnost tvorjenja ustreznih, razumljivih, pravilnih in predvsem učinkovitih javnih enogovornih govorjenih besedil. V razpravi so ponujeni sodobni koncepti, ki učitelju omogočajo večji iztržek znanja pri učencih, hkrati pa večjo motivacijo za aktivno spremljanje pedagoškega procesa – načini tvorjena enogovornih govorjenih besedil, načela uspešenega sodobnega javnega govornega nastopanja, predvsem pa merila za pripravo in vrednotenje le-tega.

Keywords:učiteljevo javno govorno nastopanje
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:59-74
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-68852 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Efficient teacher's public oral performance as the basis for realization of a modern and quality educational process
This article represents a model of a modern and comprehensive preparation of a teacher for a quality public oral performance as a challenge for the teaching of future generations. We found that, due to a change in the views of the modern and efficient teaching in the modern society, a teacher's “lecture” as a characteristic rhetorical class or one of the basic monological spoken discourse classes formed by the teacher in the class changes heavily. For the teacher's preparation for an efficient oral performance the rules of the so-called classical rhetoric are no longer sufficient. When developing the skills of public oral performance a teacher must pay attention to the ability of producing adequate, intelligible, correct and especially efficient public monological spoken discourses. In the discussion modern concepts that enable the teacher to get more knowledge from the students and at the same time higher degree of motivation for an active following of the pedagogical process – ways of forming monological spoken discourses are offered, principles of successful modern public oral performance, and especially measures for the preparation and evaluation of these.

Keywords:the teacher’s public oral performance

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