
Geodetska dela pri načrtovanju in gradnji telekomunikacijskega omrežja
ID Zorc, Maruša (Author), ID Koler, Božo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 804CB8B076E3FC0FCF697F35EBB65735
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0109fffc-1a4f-42a1-b3aa-1fed4228a1ab

V diplomski nalogi so obravnavana geodetska dela v postopku načrtovanja in gradnje telekomunikacijskega omrežja ter kasnejšega vpisa v zbirni kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture. Geodet začne z delom že v fazi samega načrtovanja, saj mora projektantom zagotoviti ustrezno podlogo za projektiranje in hkrati priskrbeti geodetski posnetek obstoječega stanja terena. Pred začetkom gradnje je nato potrebno projektirane linije in objekte zakoličiti v naravi. Po izvedenih gradbenih delih sledi snemanje novozgrajenih objektov, izdelava geodetskega načrta ter vpis novih objektov v upravljavčevo evidenco in zbirni kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture. Poleg vseh teh del pa se geodet pogosto loti tudi drugih nalog. Za potrebe pridobitve služnosti na določeni parceli geodet lastnikom nepremičnine izvede informativno zakoličenje trase. Med gradbenimi deli pogosto pride do premika oz. uničenja obstoječih mejnikov, katere geodet nato vzpostavi nazaj v prvotno stanje. Po zaključenih delih mora geodet zaradi različnih vzrokov (renoviranje cest, izgradnja novih objektov itd.) na podlagi že evidentiranih podatkov ponovno zakoličiti linije in objekte telekomunikacijskega omrežja. Celoten opis del je predstavljen v diplomski nalogi in ponazorjen s slikami in prilogami.

Keywords:telekomunikacijsko omrežje, elektronske komunikacije, gospodarska javna infrastruktura, zakoličevanje, geodetski načrt, vpis v uradne evidence
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-68449 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6411873 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Geodetic works in the process of planning and constructing telecommunication network
The thesis deals with surveying work during the planning and construction of telecommunication network and subsequent entry into the cadastre of public infrastructure. Surveyor starts to work in the planning stage, because the constructor needs the correct underlay for the planning. At the same time surveyor provides a geodetic survey of the existing situation of the terrain. Then construction designed lines and facilities have to be staked out in nature. After the completion of construction the recording of new facilities, surveying plan and entry of new facilities in the operator's records and cadastre of public infrastructure have to be done. In addition to all these works, the surveyor often must undertake the following tasks. For the purposes of obtaining an easement on certain property surveyor conducts the information marking. During construction often comes to moving or destruction of the existing milestones. Surveyor gives these milestones back to its original state. After completion of the work surveyor for various reasons (renovation of roads, construction of new buildings, etc...) and on the basis of already recorded data stakes out lines and facilities of telecommunication network again. A complete description of works is in this thesis presented and with pictures and attachments illustrated.

Keywords:telecommunication network, electronic communications, public infrastructure, stake out, surveying plan, entry in the official records

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