
Mladi in zdravi, zakaj ne gredo delat?! : problematiziranje družbenega pogleda na brezdomne mlade
ID Razpotnik, Špela (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/1094/ This link opens in a new window

Članek se ukvarja z eno od izključenih družbenih skupin pri nas, brezdomnimi mladimi. Položaj te skupine postavi v kontekst tveganja trajnejše dezintegracije družbenih skupin, ki so izpostavljene medgeneracijski revščini. V zvezi s tem v diskusijo vključi koncept podrazreda in pretehta njegove različne konotacije. Opisuje sodobne pojave, ki so za skupino mladih vse večje tveganje, osredotoči se predvsem na prehod v svet dela in vključenost v zdravstveni sistem. Za ilustracijo vključuje podatke iz dveh dosedanjih raziskav o brezdomstvu, Brezdomstvo v Ljubljani (Dekleva in Razpotnik, 2007) ter Brezdomstvo, zdravje in dostopnost zdravstvenih storitev (Razpotnik in Dekleva, 2009). Rezultati opozarjajo na trend, da so mlajši brezdomni v povprečju nižje izobraženi celo znotraj celotnega vzorca brezdomnih, nihče od mladih brezdomnih, vključenih v raziskavo (2009), v času anketiranja ni bil v rednem delovnem razmerju, drastično pa med drugim izstopa podatek o izključitvi iz šole, o kateri skupina mladih brezdomnih poroča več kot dvakrat pogosteje kot celotni vzorec brezdomnih. S tem mladi brezdomni v Sloveniji ustrezajo konceptom 'ničelnega statusa mladih'.

Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:Združenje za socialno pedagogiko
Number of pages:439-466
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-68264 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:They are young; they are healthy, so why don't they go to work?! : examining society's view on youth homelessness
The present article focuses on one of the marginalized social groups in our country – young homeless people – placing their social status within the context of the risk of permanent disintegration of a social group vulnerable to intergenerational poverty. In relation to this, the article includes the concept of the underclass and ponders its various connotations. It describes contemporary phenomena which pose an ever greater risk for young people, and focuses primarily on the transition into the world of employment and the inclusion into the health care system. For purposes of illustration it relies on two studies of homelessness conducted heretofore, “Homelessness in Ljubljana”/»Brezdomstvo v Ljubljani« (Dekleva and Razpotnik, 2007) and “Homelessness, health, and access to health care services”/»Brezdomstvo, zdravje in dostopnost zdravstvenih storitev« (Razpotnik and Dekleva, 2009). The results reveal a trend, whereby young homeless individuals have on average a lower level of education even when compared to the larger category of homeless people, and none of the young homeless individuals taking part in the study (2009) had been permanently employed at the time the study was conducted. Another salient issue is also the high rate of expulsion from school – homeless youths are more than twice as likely to have been expelled from school as the entire sample group of homeless individuals. For these reasons homeless youths in Slovenia fit the concept of “status zer0 youth”.

Keywords:young people

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