
Brezdomstvo in dostopnost zdravstvenega sistema
ID Razpotnik, Špela (Author), ID Dekleva, Bojan (Author)

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Članek opisuje rezultate prve slovenske raziskave zdravstvenega stanja brezdomcev s posebnim poudarkom na dostopnosti zdravstvenega sistema. Izvedeno je bilo terensko anketiranje 122 brezdomnih oseb iz šestih slovenskih mest. Analiza je pokazala, da doživljanje dostopnosti zdravstvenega sistema s strani brezdomcev ni optimalno ter da je dostopnost tega sistema manjša za osebe, ki imajo več ogrožajočih dejavnikov. Posebej ogroženi so v tem smislu posamezniki s t. i. dvojnimi diagnozami. Na osnovi analize so podana priporočila za nižanje praga v zdravstvenih organizacijah, za bolj celosten in individualiziran pristop k brezdomcem ter za razvoj terenskega (zdravstvenega) dela.

Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:Združenje za socialno pedagogiko
Number of pages:111-130
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-68252 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Title:Homelessness and the accessibility of the health care system
The article describes the results of the first Slovenian research of the health situation of the homeless people, with a special emphasis on the accessibility of the health care system. A field survey was carried out on 122 homeless persons from six Slovenian towns. The analysis has shown that the experience with the accessibility of the health care system by the homeless people is not optimal and that the accessibility of this system is smaller for those with greater risk factors. Particularly threatened in this sense are the individuals with the so-called double diagnoses. On the basis of this analysis recommendations are given for lowering the threshold in health organisations, for a more integral and individualised approach to the homeless persons, and for the development of outreach (health) work.


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