
Lokalna identiteta in njena podoba : diplomsko delo
ID Batistuta, Uršula (Author), ID Humar, Janko (Interviewee), ID Lavrenčič, Lucijan (Interviewee), ID Frelih, Črtomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/658/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomi Lokalna identiteta in njena podoba je bil moj cilj dognati, kako se lokalna identiteta kaže na vizualnih sredstvih, in sicer na primeru Tolminske. Da sem prišla do tega, sem morala najprej obravnavati bistvene pojme, kot so osebna identiteta, skupinska pripadnost, kaj vpliva na oblikovanje identitete in da je identiteta kulturni produkt, ki je vedno v procesu spreminjanja. Za določanje prvin, ki se vežejo na samo prostorsko identiteto, je bilo nujno opredeliti tudi pojme, kot so značilno, tipično, pogosto, edinstveno. Določena prvina iz prostora postane simbol, ko ji pripišemo pomen. Zaradi lažjega razumevanja, katere so tiste prvine, ki so del prostorske identitete posameznika in skupine pa tudi zaradi pomanjkanja literature na področju lokalne identitete, sem se najprej osredotočila na temo nacionalne identitete ter kako se le-ta kaže v vizualnih sporočilih. Z drugimi besedami povedano – kaj predstavlja koncept slovensko. Tako sem kar velik del diplome namenila tudi razglednicam Maksima Gasparija, saj se prav na njegovih razglednicah čuti veliko nacionalne pripadnosti. V poglavju Tolminska, njena identiteta in podobe sem nato prešla na lokalno raven. Principi, kako se lokalna identiteta kaže v vizualnih sporočilih, so precej podobni principom »prikazovanja« nacionalne identitete. Lokalno identiteto sem opredelila na podlagi vizualnih nosilcev, kot so razglednice in logotipi posameznih lokalnih organizacij, društev in podjetij. Tako sem dobila nekakšno celoto, katere so tiste prvine, ki opredelijo Tolminsko in pripadnost lokalnega prebivalstva, torej kako se lokalna identiteta kaže in kako skozi vizualna sredstva hkrati tudi vpliva na oblikovanje same identitete prebivalstva. Skozi diplomsko nalogo se je razvilo tudi vprašanje, ali se danes pojavlja tudi kakšna nova identiteta, ki ni nujno vezana na sam prostorski ali zgodovinski element. Zanimiv prispevek moji diplomi so tudi razglednice, ki so jih pod mojim mentorstvom izdelali učenci devetega razreda osnovne šole Franceta Bevka v Tolminu. Ti so med oblikovanjem razglednic na temo Tolminske razvijali tako kreativnost kot lokalno zavednost. Njihove razglednice še enkrat potrjujejo, katere so tiste prvine iz prostora, s katerimi se prebivalstvo poistoveti, le-te pa so oblikovali na izviren, njim lasten način. Diplomsko delo obogatita še intervjuja s profesorjem likovne vzgoje na osnovni šoli ter intervju z direktorjem lokalne turistične organizacije, ki je povzel idejo Tolminske skozi oči turizma in oglaševanja. Del diplome predstavlja tudi moje lastno delo – razglednice na temo Tolminske. Celotno diplomsko delo je bil velik izziv zame, saj so me tovrstne tematike že od nekdaj privlačile, hkrati sem skozi lastno delo uspela dognati, da je domači prostor res navdih za vsakega umetnika, čeprav nezavedno. Ali kot je Ivan Cankar zapisal: »Treba je naprej, da mi vsi spoznamo in občutimo: to je naša umetnost, vonj naše prsti, pesem našega polja, naših gajev in gozdov; […]« (Cankar v Zgonik, 2002, str. 174).

Keywords:lokalna identiteta, turizem, likovna podoba, vizualna podoba, Tolminsko, razglednice, lokalni simboli
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[U. Batistuta]
Number of pages:[10], 102 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-68135 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:687432 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Local identity and its presentation
In my diploma thesis, named Local identity and its presentation, my objective was to find out how local identity indicates in visual media, particularly on the case of the Tolmin region. Firstly, the fundamental notions had to be defined to achieve this objective. Such notions are personal identity, collective sense of belonging, what affects the formation of identity and what makes identity a cultural product, which is constantly in a process of changing. To define the elements associated with local identity it is urgent to define also notions, such as significant, typical, common and unique. An element from the environment becomes a symbol, when we ascribe a meaning to it. At the beginning, I concentrated on the topic of national identity and how it reflects in visual media. The reason for this was due to a lack of literature on the local identity topic and for the purpose of more easily understanding those elements, connected with local identity of an individual and the collective formation. With other words, I first defined the concept slovenian. Therefore I devoted a significant part of diploma thesis to the postcards of Maksim Gaspari, as his postcards indicate national identity. In the chapter Tolminska, njena identiteta in podobe (Tolmin region, its identity and representation) I turned for a local level of discussion. The principles of the local identity, indicated in visual media, are quite similar to the principles of showing national identity. I defined local identity on a basis of the visual media, such as postcards and logos of particular local organisations, associations and companies. This is the basis, that revealed the elements, defining the Tolmin region and its inhabitants' sense of belonging, thus how local identity is manifested and how visual media at the same time affects the formation of the specific identity of inhabitants. Through my diploma thesis a particular aspect of identity was revealed, exposing new modern identities, being more connected to the modern way of life than a specific environmental or historic element. An interesting contribution to my diploma thesis is represented by the postcards, made by students of the ninth grade of France Bevk Tolmin elementary school, under my mentorship. While creating postcards on the Tolmin region topic, students have been developing creativity and a local sense of belonging at the same time. Their postcards confirm the selection of the elements from environment, that an individual identifies with. Besides, they formed postcards in an original, their very own way. Further more, my diploma thesis is enriched with an interview with a professor of art in an elementary school as well as an interview with the manager of the local tourist organisation, who summarized the idea of the Tolmin region through the eyes of tourism and marketing. My diploma thesis also consists of my practical work – creating postcards, following the Tolmin region topic. The entire process of developing this diploma thesis has been a big challenge for me, because I have been interested in these topics for a long time. Besides, through my own practical work, I managed to realise, how a native environment can be a true inspiration for each artist, although subconsciouslly. Or, as Ivan Cankar wrote: »We all have to go further to recognize and feel: this is our art, the smell of our soil, poem of our field, our groves and forests; […]« (Cankar in Zgonik, 2002, p. 174).

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