
Idejni tehnološki projekt za izdelavo križno lepljenega lesa : diplomski projekt
ID Nardin, Nejc (Author), ID Šernek, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kariž, Mirko (Comentor), ID Kitek Kuzman, Manja (Reviewer)

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MD5: 7F07E4760F792E6416123D6C0D95A8D6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4822043d-1d79-4886-aa13-832f3485b216

Izdelali smo idejni tehnološki projekt za izdelavo križno lepljenega lesa. V Sloveniji takega obrata še nimamo, se pa pojavlja zanimanje, zato je bilo smotrno izračunati potrebno količino surovine in zmogljivosti strojev ter naprav, na osnovi katerih smo izbrali ustrezno tehnološko in transportno opremo. Da bi letno proizvedli 30.000 m3 plošč, bi potrebovali 50000 m3 desk. Da bomo uspešno zagotovili letno kapaciteto proizvedenih plošč, smo izračunali tudi potrebne kapacitete strojev. Izračunali smo tudi potrebno porabo poliuretanskega lepila, ki znaša 1551,8 kg dnevno. Za projekt takšnega obsega potrebujemo velike količine električne energije, stisnjenega in odsesanega zraka, zato smo izračunali tudi te potrebne parametre. Izbira lokacije je pomembna zaradi transportnih poti in lažjega dostopa, obenem pa je treba opredeliti možne vplive na okolje in projekt prirediti okoljevarstvenim zahtevam.

Keywords:križno lepljen les, projektiranje tehnoloških procesov, izdelava plošč, stiskanje plošč
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Nardin]
Number of pages:IX, 42 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-671 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2045065 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Conceptual technological project for the production of cross-laminated timber : B. Sc. thesis
We designed a conceptual technological project for the production of cross-laminated timber. In Slovenia we do not have such a plant, but there is an interest for it; so it is advisable to calculate the necessary amount of raw materials, machinery and equipment capacity, on the basis of which to choose the right technology and transport equipment. As a starting point we have chosen to produce 30,000 m3 boards per year. According to calculations, we came to the conclusion that we need 50,000 m3 of lumber. To produce sufficient annual capacity of panels, we also calculated the necessary capacity of machines. 1551.8 kg of polyurethane resin would be needed per day. A project of this magnitude requires huge amounts of electricity, compressed and sucked air; therefore, we also calculated the necessary parameters. Choice of location is important because of transportation routes and ease of access. To satisfy environmental requirements the project's potential impacts on the environment were identified.

Keywords:cross-laminated timber, designing of technological processes, board making, board pressing

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