
Analiza izbranih odpornostnih lastnosti lesnih premazov z dodanimi nano delci : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Kocet, Marko (Author), ID Petrič, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavlič, Matjaž (Comentor), ID Poljanšek, Ida (Reviewer)

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MD5: EB6317DA7298B5AE37E98F8285BD2706
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3adfa395-e258-4207-a4b2-af7b4653e078

Testirali smo izbrane lastnosti lesnih premazov dveh različnih proizvajalcev. Lak proizvajalca A je bil tako imenovani "nanolak", ki je vseboval nano delce. Za podlage smo uporabili dve različni lesni vrsti, in sicer bukev in hrast. Uporabili smo termično modificiran les, masiven les in furnirane iverne plošče. Vzorce smo dobili iz industrije, nekateri so bili že luženi, nekateri lakirani s temeljnim lakom. V laboratoriju smo jih ustrezno obdelali, tako da so bili pripravljeni za testiranja. Najprej smo jim izmerili debelino suhega filma, pri čemer smo opazili zelo velike razlike. Največje debeline filmov so izkazovali tisti vzorci, ki smo jih v celoti polakirali sami v laboratoriju. Zatem smo ugotavljali odpornost površine proti razenju, z metodo vzmetnega svinčnika. Najbolje so se odrezali vodni laki, in sicer tisti z največjimi debelinami suhih filmov. Pri določanju odpornosti površine proti udarcem smo spet opazili povezavo z debelino filmov. Tako je bilo tudi pri določanju odpornosti površine proti obrabi in oprijemnosti premaznega sistema. Nano laki z dodanimi nano delci niso zadovoljili naših pričakovanj.

Keywords:nano delci, premazi za les, odpornost proti razenju, odpornost proti udarcu, oprijemnost
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kocet]
Number of pages:VIII, 38 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-645 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2008969 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of selected resistance properties of wood coatings with added nano particles : graduation thesis - university studies
We tested selected properties of wood coatings of two different manufacturers. The varnish of the manufacturer A was the so called "nano-varnish" and contained nano particles. For a substrate we used two different types of wood, namely beech and oak. We used thermally modified wood, solid wood and veneered chipboard. The samples were obtained from industry, of which some have already been stained and some have been lacquered with a primer. The samples were appropriately treated in the laboratory, to be ready for testing. Firstly, we measured thickness of dry films, where we noticed very large differences. The maximal thicknesses of films were measured on the samples that were finished in the laboratory. After that we determined surface resistance to scratching by the pencil test. The best results were exhibited by the waterborne coatings with the largest thickness of dry films. At the resistance to impact, the results were again influenced by the film thickness. This was also shown at the resistance to abrasion and at the adhesion of a coating system. Nano varnishes with added nano particles did not meet our expectations.

Keywords:nano particles, wood coatings, resistance to scratching, resistance to impact, adhesion

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