
Merjenje egocentričnih omrežij socialne opore
ID Kogovšek, Tina (Author), ID Ferligoj, Anuška (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://dk.fdv.uni-lj.si/dr/dr43KogovsekFerligoj.PDF This link opens in a new window

Podatki o osebnih omrežjih (imenovanih tudi egocentrična omrežja) in njihovih značilnostih se vedno bolj pogosto uporabljajo v družboslovnih raziskavah, še posebej v raziskavah o kakovosti življenja, socialni opori in podobno. Ker se vsi podatki o osebnem omrežju ponavadi zberejo pri samem anketirancu, je kakovost (zanesljivost in veljavnost) teh meritev zelo pomembno vprašanje. V tem prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati nedavne raziskave o kakovosti merjenja podatkov o osebnih omrežjih. Podatki so bili zbrani v letu 2000 z računalniško podprtim osebnim in telefonskim anketiranjem na slučajnem vzorcu 1033 polnoletnih prebivalcev Ljubljane. Eden od pomembnejših dejavnikov, katerega vpliv še ni bil preverjen, je vpliv tehnike zbiranja podatkov - "po alterjih" ali "po vprašanjih". Ko z generatorji imen že pridobimo seznam alterjev, lahko nadaljnja vprašanja o alterjih postavimo na dva načina. En način (po alterjih) je, da vzamemo posameznega alterja, postavimo vsa vprašanja o njem/njej ter nadaljujemo na ta način, dokler ne pridemo do konca seznama alterjev. Drug način pa je (po vprašanjih), da vzamemo posamezno vprašanje, ga postavimo za vsakega alterja na seznamu in nadaljujemo na ta način, dokler ne izčrpamo vseh vprašanj o alterjih. Rezultati raziskave so med drugim pokazali, da med uporabljenimi metodami najkakovostnejše podatke zberemo z metodo zbiranja podatkov po telefonu po alterjih, zato je bila ta metoda uporabljena tudi v raziskavi o omrežjih socialne opore Slovencev kot socialnem kapitalu l. 2002.

Keywords:modeli, družbena omrežja, merjenje, metaanaliza, veljavnost
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Number of pages:Str. 127-148
Numbering:Letn. 19, št. 43
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-6373 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0352-3608
COBISS.SI-ID:22516317 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Družboslovne razprave
Shortened title:Družbosl. razpr.
Publisher:Slovensko sociološko društvo, Fakulteta za družbene vede
COBISS.SI-ID:7530242 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Data about personal networks (called also egocentered networks) and their characteristics are increasingly used in social science research, especially in research about the quality of life, social support and similar. Since all data about a person's social network are usually obtained from the respondent himself, the quality (reliability and validity) of such measurements is a very important issue. In this paper the results of a recent study on the quality of measurement of personal network measures are presented. The data were collected in the year 2000 by computer assisted face-to-face and telephone interviews on a random sample of 1033 residents of Ljubljana. One ofthe more important effects that has not been studied yet, is the effect of data collection technique - "by alters" or "by questions". After we obtain the list of alters with name generators, we can ask name interpreter questions in two ways. One way (by alters) is to take each alter individually and to ask all questions about him/her, going alter by alter until the end of the list of alters. The other way (by questions) is to take the question and ask this question for all alters on the list, going question by question until the end of the list of name interpreter questions. Among other things the results have shown that data of the best quality are obtained by telephone/by alters data collection method. Therefore, that method was used in the study on social support networks of Slovenians as social capital in 2002.

Keywords:model, social networks, measuring, metaanalysis, validity

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