In sportology, as a science of sport, in context of humanistics and social sciences, there is yet a lot to be said, uncovered, and therefore should finally be written about on those lines and in that direction. Some partisan experiments have been made even in Slovenia. Psychoanalytic and ideological sportological discussions have already lifted a lot of theoretical dust. It isalso time for some serious theoretical transfer from anthropology to sportology. The concept of "manna", as a content in magical practices is certainly transferable also into the theory of everyday sport rituals. Sport as "sporting" is a social practice which is, in the present cultural moment, constantly being connected with health. "Sport for health" is one of the most transparent mottos attributed to manifest sport ideology. In this context, sport as well as health may be recognised as manna. Health is manna because it"fills" the empty space in the sence of sport(ing) and, in some manner, legitimises sport. Sport(ing) is, on the other hand also manna which, in a "magical" ritual of movement, promises health.