
Mehanske in fungicidne lastnosti vezanih plošč zaščitenih s Silvanolinom : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
ID Bajuk, Jože (Author), ID Šernek, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pohleven, Franc (Reviewer)

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MD5: 5CB6EE048A96C3E656791B9BD9FEF5B9
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/5aaf8a94-3e53-4a20-ab3c-f52335a21d54

Zaščitno sredstvo Silvanolin dobro zaščiti les pred škodljivci, ni pa znano, kako zaščiti vezan les in kako vpliva na lepilo ter lepljenje. Zato smo se odločili, da impregniramo furnirje s Silvanolinom in jih zlepimo v plošče, ter ugotovimo vpliv zaščite na mehanske in fungicidne lastnosti. Furnirje smo impregnirali v vakuumsko tlačni komori. Lepili smo z melamin-urea-formaldehidnim lepilom Meldur H97 v visokofrekvenčni stiskalnici. Preizkus mehanskih lastnosti smo izvajali s pomočjo univerzalnega testirnega stroja Zwick Z100 po standardu SIST EN 314 za strižno trdnost in SIST EN 310 za modul elastičnosti in upogibno trdnost. Gostoto smo ugotavljali po standardu SIST EN 323, vlažnost pa po SIST EN 322. Pri fungicidnih lastnostih smo imeli impregnirane vzorce, neimpregnirane vzorce in pa vzorce iz masivnega lesa bukve za kontrolo. Tako smo vse 3 vzorce izpostavili 3 glivam razkrojevalkam (beli hišni gobi, pisani ploskocevki in ogljeni kroglici) za 16 tednov v rastni komori v skladu s standardom SIST EN 113. Ugotovili smo, da so mehanske lastnosti zaščitenih vzorcev nekoliko boljše od nezaščitenih. Pri merjenju vlažnosti smo ugotovili, da imajo zaščiteni vzorci višjo vlažnost od nezaščitenih. Tudi gostota zaščitenih je bila večja. Pri ugotavljanju fungicidnih lastnosti smo ugotovili, da so gobe veliko bolj napadle nezaščitene kot pa zaščitene vzorce. Glede na rezultate preizkusov lahko zaključimo, da so imeli zaščiteni vzorci v vseh primerih boljše lastnosti od nezaščitenih.

Keywords:vezane plošče, Silvanolin, lepljenje, Meldur H97, mehanske lastnosti, fungicidne lastnosti
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Bajuk]
Number of pages:X, 55 f., [22] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-528-99081ac0-cba6-c10f-1bdf-a0c946bb56d1 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1818761 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Mechanical and fungicidal properties of plywood protected by "Silvanolin" : graduation thesis - higher professional studies
Silvanolin protective agent affectively protects wood against pests, but we do not know how to protect plywood, and how this protective agent affects adhesive and gluing. So we decided to impregnate veneers with Silvanolin, and glue veneers together in panels, to see mechanical and fungicidal properties. Veneers were pressure impregnated in a vacuum chamber. In a high press Meldur H97, melamine-urea-folmaldehyde adhesive, was utilised. To examine mechanical properties Zwick 100, according to standard SIST EN 314 for shear strength and SIST EN 310 for the module of elasticity and bending strength was used. Density was determined according to standard SIST EN 323, humidity to SIST EN 322. Fungicidal properties of impregnated and unimpregnated samples were analysed; so were the beech wood samples just for control. Thus all 3 samples were exposed to 3 mushrooms (Poria vaillantii, Trametes versicolir and Hypoxylon fragiforme) for 16 weeks in a growth chamber in accordance with standard SIST EN 113. We found out that mechanical properties of the samples were slightly better in protected samples than in unprotected ones. Measuring humidity we found out that the protected samples had higher humidity than unprotected ones. Density of the protected samples was also higher. In determining fungicidal properties we found out that the unprotected samples infested with fungi were much more attacked than those protected. So depending on the results of the test we concluded that the protected samples in all the cases had better properties than unprotected ones.

Keywords:plywood, Silvanolin, gluing, Meldur H97, mechanical properties, fungicidal properties

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