
Družbeni kontekst kategorije "čustvene in vedenjske motnje"
ID Razpotnik, Špela (Author)

URLURL - Source URL, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/632 This link opens in a new window

Namen tega razmisleka je odpreti vprašanja, koliko kategorije in diskurzi, povezani s klasificiranjem in usmerjanjem otrok s posebnimi potrebami, še posebej kategorija čustvene in vedenjske težave, izražajo pomen, vpliv in prisotnost širših družbenopolitičnih in socialno-ekonomskih kontekstov. Poimenovanja se skozi čas in prostor sicer spreminjajo, vendarle pa se zdi, da so še tudi obstoječe klasifikacije in poimenovanja dekontekstualizirani in brez prave refleksije ter izražajo prej ostanke nekih prejšnjih diskurzov (npr. medicinskega) ter inercijo različnih ustanov in paradigem, da bi ohranile svoja polja delovanja ne glede na spreminjajoče se družbene razmere. Obstaja nevarnost, da ob tem otroci in mladostniki ter njihovi starši, predvsem ti iz že tako neprivilegiranih družbenih slojev, ne dobijo potrebne podpore, pomoči ali obravnave, ki bi celoviteje, in ne le parcialno, odgovarjala problemom, s katerimi se soočajo. Poleg tega obstaja nevarnost, da se te deprivilegirane subjekte objektivizira, patologizira ali pa obravnava skozi prizmo individualne odgovornosti, namesto da bi skladno z aktualnimi doktrinami prek vključenosti v sisteme vzgoje, izobraževanja in socialnega skrbstva dobivali več glasu, moči in priložnosti postati aktivni sogovorniki v diskusijah o svojih potrebah in tudi aktivni reševalci skupnih izzivov sodobnosti. Namen tega razmisleka je vzpostaviti omenjeno refleksijo oz. pozvati k njej širšo strokovno, politično in laično javnost ter ponuditi nekaj možnih paradigem, ki deficitarnost in usmerjenost v individualno odgovornost nadomestijo s perspektivo moči in koncepti odnosnosti.

Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:Str. 103-123
Numbering:Letn. 15, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-51377 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1408-2942
COBISS.SI-ID:8826441 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Socialna pedagogika
Shortened title:Soc. pedagog.
Publisher:Združenje za socialno pedagogiko
COBISS.SI-ID:67365376 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:The social context of the category "emotional and behavioural disorders"
It is the aim of the following study to call attention to the question of the extent to which categories and discourses surrounding the classification and categorization of children with special needs, particularly the category ‘emotional and behavioural disorders’, reflect the significance, influence and presence of wider socio-political and socio-economic conditions. Although designations change with time, it seems that even existing classifications and designations have not been subjected to contextualization or reflection, expressing rather the remnants of past discourses (e. g. medical) and reflecting the inertia of institution and paradigms in safeguarding their range of authority regardless of the social climate. This opens up the possibility that the children, juveniles and their parents, in particular those who belong to disadvantaged social groups, fail to receive comprehensive support, help or treatment, which would adequately respond to the problems they are faced with, instead of only partially. In addition, these underprivileged subjects are in danger of being objectivised, pathologized or perceived through the current lens of individual responsibility, rather than being treated in accordance with contemporary doctrines urging inclusion into the systems of education and social care, thereby gaining a voice and more power and opportunity to actively participate in discussions about their needs and finding consensual solutions to common challenges of today. In light of this, the study seeks to provide such a reflection and to encourage reflection in the professional community, the political arena and the general public, as well as to propose viable paradigms aimed at replacing the shortcomings and focus on individual responsibility with a focus on empowerment and concepts based on relations.

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