
Dendrokronološke raziskave kozolcev iz vasi Ratje in Malo Lipje : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
ID Češnovar, Dejan (Author), ID Čufar, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hrovatin, Jasna (Reviewer)

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MD5: 415DA8E46797A1E47F7D7732FACA2462
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e92d7ea0-bc97-4741-9be6-f273cbd12e6d

V krajih Ratje in Malo Lipje na Dolenjskem smo v sodelovanju z Zavodom za varstvo kulturne dediščine, Območna enota Novo mesto, pregledali 10 kozolcev, ki so domnevno zelo stari in imajo zanimive konstrukcijske posebnosti. Izbrali smo 7 kozolcev in iz stebrov ter "riglov", narejenih iz lesa hrasta (Quercus sp.), odvzeli izvrtke ter jih dendrokronološko datirali. Datiranje smo opravili s slovensko regionalno hrastovo kronologijo in s kronologijami različnih objektov z Dolenjske in Bizeljskega, sestavljenih na Oddelku za lesarstvo Biotehniške fakultete. Za uspešno datirane objekte navajamo leto nastanka zadnje branike (LBZ) in oceno postavitve ali predelave objekta. Rezultati: (1) Papežev toplar, Ratje 5, datirana 2 elementa, LBZ 1777 ter 1871, najverjetneje postavljen po letu 1977 in prenovljen po letu 1871; (2) Turkov toplar, Ratje 16, datiranih 5 elementov, LBZ 1767, postavljen okoli leta 1776; (3) Koželjev toplar, Malo Lipje 2, datirani 4 elementi, LBZ 1783, postavljen okoli leta 1787; (4) Pavličev toplar, Ratje 24, datiranih 5 elementov, LBZ 1810, postavljen po letu 1810, prenovljen po letu 1878; (5) Škufcev toplar, Ratje 13, datiranih 5 elementov, LBZ 1828, postavljen okoli leta 1840 in (6) Blatnikov toplar, Ratje 26, datirani 4 elementi, LBZ 1872, postavljen okoli leta 1880. Škufčevega toplarja, Malo Lipje 5, nismo mogli dendrokronološko datirati. Datacije naj bi pomagale pri odločitvi za vpis objektov v Register nepremične kulturne dediščine.

Keywords:kozolec, kmečka arhitektura, Slovenija, dendrokronologija
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Češnovar]
Number of pages:IX, 60 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-463 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1780617 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Dendrochronological investigations of hayracks from villages Ratje and Malo Lipje : graduation thesis - higher professional studies
In co-operation with the Institute for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Regional Unit Novo mesto, 10 hayracks in the Ratje and Malo Lipje villages, Dolenjska, Slovenia were examined. They have interesting structural details and seem to be very old. 7 of them were selected, and the cores from the pillars and horizontal trusses made of oak wood (Quercus sp.) were taken. They were dated with the Slovenian regional oak tree-ring chronology and with chronologies of various buildings from Dolenjska and Bizeljsko. The chronologies were constructed by the Department of wood science and technology, Biotechnical Faculty. The year of formation of the last annual ring below bark (LBZ) was presented. When the object was built or reconstructed was estimated for each of the successfully dated hayracks. The results: (1) Papež's double hayrack, Ratje 5, 2 elements dated, LBZ 1777 and 1871, probably constructed after 1777 and repaired after 1871; (2) Turk's double hayrack, Ratje 16, 5 elements dated, LBZ 1767, built around 1776; (3) Koželj's double hayrack, Malo Lipje 2, 4 elements dated, LBZ 1783, built around 1787; (4) Pavlič's double hayrack, Ratje 24, 5 elements dated, LBZ 1810, build after 1810, reconstructed after 1878; (5) Škufca's double hayrack,Ratje 13, 5 elements dated, LBZ 1828, built around 1840; and (6) Blatnik's double hayrack, Ratje 26, 4 elements dated, LBZ 1872, built around 1880. We could not dendrochronologically date the Škufca's double hayrack, Malo Lipje 5. The dating should help to include the objects into the Register of Real Estate Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Slovenia.

Keywords:hayrack, rural architecture, Slovenia, dendrochronology

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