In co-operation with the Institute for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Regional Unit Novo mesto, 10 hayracks in the Ratje and Malo Lipje villages, Dolenjska, Slovenia were examined. They have interesting structural details and seem to be very old. 7 of them were selected, and the cores from the pillars and horizontal trusses made of oak wood (Quercus sp.) were taken. They were dated with the Slovenian regional oak tree-ring chronology and with chronologies of various buildings from Dolenjska and Bizeljsko. The chronologies were constructed by the Department of wood science and technology, Biotechnical Faculty. The year of formation of the last annual ring below bark (LBZ) was presented. When the object was built or reconstructed was estimated for each of the successfully dated hayracks. The results: (1) Papež's double hayrack, Ratje 5, 2 elements dated, LBZ 1777 and 1871, probably constructed after 1777 and repaired after 1871; (2) Turk's double hayrack, Ratje 16, 5 elements dated, LBZ 1767, built around 1776; (3) Koželj's double hayrack, Malo Lipje 2, 4 elements dated, LBZ 1783, built around 1787; (4) Pavlič's double hayrack, Ratje 24, 5 elements dated, LBZ 1810, build after 1810, reconstructed after 1878; (5) Škufca's double hayrack,Ratje 13, 5 elements dated, LBZ 1828, built around 1840; and (6) Blatnik's double hayrack, Ratje 26, 4 elements dated, LBZ 1872, built around 1880. We could not dendrochronologically date the Škufca's double hayrack, Malo Lipje 5. The dating should help to include the objects into the Register of Real Estate Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Slovenia.