The succession development of forests on the Bloški hrib research area was examined. The overgrowing of abandoned pastures and meadows is characterised by succession stage with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Our sampling methodwas carried out on a 100 * 200 m grid, which was in some parts of research area condensed into 50 * 50 m grid. 37 sample plots of 500 m2 were surveyed. We differentiated 5 succession stages: 1) abandoned pastures and meadows, 2) young growth of Scots pine, 3) mainly pure Scots pine pole stands,4) mixed Scots pine - Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) - deciduous tree species pole stands, 5) mature European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) - Norway spruce stands. On each sample plot site conditions were surveyed and all trees (dbh ? 10 cm), saplings, and seedlings were recorded and measured. All together 955 trees were recorded; prevalent tree species was Scots pine (581 trees), and was followed by European beech (210 trees), and Norway spruce (150 trees); only 14 trees was of other tree species. Significant differences in tree species composition, stand density and regeneration were ascertained between the succession stages. According to the results, some forest management measures were suggested, which were also advantageous for forest owners.