In the Bachelor's thesis the management of the wild boars in the Kamniško-Savinjska region is presented. There is a review of kill dynamics from 1994-2006, the amount of damage caused by the wild boars from 2000 to 2006, weather conditions, forest yield and the amount of foddered corn. From the year 2000 on the numerousness of the population in the LUO (hunting management plan) is purposely lowered. In the kill the number of female wild boars 52:48 is prevailing. With regard to age infant wild boars prevail. The amount of damage is most affected by the kill. Within the LUO the most damage and valuation was performed on meadows. In fields the damage was made on corn or ensilaged corn. The uppermost damage is caused in April, June, September and October. The feeding of the wild boar is intended for easier kill and doesnot fundamentally affect the quantity of damage. The forest yield has a good influence on the condition of wild boars and thereby indirectly causes anincreased growth rate. Casualties among infant wild boars are great in the cold and humid months.