
Pregled metod aerotriangulacije in primer uporabe programa SocetSet : diplomska naloga
ID Poklukar, Sandra (Author), ID Kosmatin Fras, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Grigillo, Dejan (Comentor)

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1edf5f4f-e7ef-47a5-b6ec-5d217857a13a

V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo različne metode aerotriangulacije in praktični primer uporabe programa SocetSet za fotogrametrično pripravo podatkov za aerotriangulacijo. Klasična aerotriangulacija, z ročnim merjenjem veznih točk, je časovno zahtevna metoda, vendar zagotavlja tudi visoko natančnost in zanesljivost rezultatov. Z razvojem tehnik slikovnega ujemanja je bila omogočena avtomatska aerotriangulacija, kjer se vezne točke lahko izmeri samodejno ali polsamodejno. S pojavom GPS-a v osemdesetih letih 20. stoletja, se je ta tehnologija uporabila tudi za določitev projekcijskih centrov posnetkov v aerotriangulaciji. Danes pa kombinirana uporaba GNSS in INS meritev omogoča določitev vseh zunanjih orientacijskih parametrov brez uporabe oslonilnih točk z direktno orientacijo senzorja. Vendar je zaradi potreb po visoki natančnosti in zanesljivosti rezultatov za tradicionalne fotogrametrične projekte bolj uporabna integrirana orientacija senzorja, kjer so GNSS/INS meritve le dodatna podpora aerotriangulaciji. Program SocetSet omogoča izvedbo aerotriangulacije velikih blokov posnetkov. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen praktični primer uporabe programa na postopku aerotriangulacije s samodejnim zajemom veznih točk. Ker SocetSet ne omogoča izravnave aerotriangulacije na ustrezni ravni, smo le-to izvedli v programu Aerosys, ki je namenjen posebej za izravnavo. Aerosys omogoča več različnih nastavitev izravnave ter lažje odkrivanje grobih pogreškov in analizo natančnosti aerotriangulacije.

Keywords:geodezija, diplomska naloga, UNI, aerotriangulacija, orientacija senzorja, GPS, INS
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Poklukar]
Number of pages:XVIII, 59 str., 4 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32755 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7033953 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Aerotriangulation methods review and an example using a SocetSet Software
The graduation thesis evaluates the aerotriangulation methods and gives an example of a SocetSet software usage in photogrammetric data collection for aerial triangulation. Traditional aerotriangulation is time consuming method because it requires manual determination of tie points. On the other hand it ensures high accuracy and reliability of results. The development of image matching techniques enabled automatic approach to aerotriangulation where tie points are measured in automatic or semi-automatic mode. With the advent of GPS in the 80’s of the 20th century, this technology was used to determine the projection centres of images. Today GNSS/INS integration in direct sensor orientation provides determination of all exterior orientation parameters without the need of ground control points. Integrated sensor orientation provides higher reliability of results, because GNSS/INS observations are only used as the additional parameters in aerotriangulation. This is the reason why indirect sensor orientation is still used in high accuracy demanding photogrammetric projects. SocetSet digital mapping software is used for aerotriangulation of large blocks of images. The graduation thesis presents the process of automatic aerotriangulation in SocetSet software in an practical example, where image coordinates of tie points are measured automatically. Because this software does not enable bundle block adjustment on appropriate level, we processed it with AeroSys software. This software allows us many different models of adjustment and easier detection of gross errors as well as interpretation of aerotriangulation accuracy.

Keywords:aerotriangulation, sensor orientation, GPS, INS

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