
Vrednotenje prostorskih vplivov avtocest z vidika varstva kmetijskih zemljišč : magistrsko delo
ID Radišek, Jure (Author), ID Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vrščaj, Borut (Comentor), ID Prosen, Anton (Comentor)

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MD5: 2991D35C567795C8BB9F8E8B1E47E870
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9c914d9c-daa8-41b0-8169-a63b2971dcdd

Naloga obravnava načine vrednotenja prostorskih vplivov avtocest z vidika varovanja kmetijskih zemljišč. Izhodišče raziskave je vse večja ogroženost najboljših kmetijskih zemljišč, ki so temelj prehranske varnosti naroda. Ogrožajo jih različne človekove dejavnosti, med njimi tudi gradnja prometne infrastrukture, kot so avtoceste. Ker je dosedanja gradnja avtocest v večini primerov potekala preko najboljših kmetijskih zemljišč, smo v nalogi raziskali možne metode, s katerimi bi te posege v prostor lahko bolje vrednotili in poiskali najoptimalnejšo rešitev za njihovo umeščanje v prostor. Opozorili smo, da je dosedanje vrednotenje vplivov prostorskih ureditev na kmetijska zemljišča neustrezno, saj je glede na metodološko praznino na tem področju že čutiti resne posledice z vidika trajnostnega prostorskega načrtovanja in zagotavljanja prostorske kohezije. Zato v nalogi sledimo rešitvam, ki bodo v bodoče kmetijska zemljišča ustrezneje obravnavala in vrednotila, s čimer bi se v največji možni meri zmanjšali prostorski vplivi na kmetijska zemljišča in njihovo porabo. Izbrano metodo večkriterijskega odločanja, ki po našem mnenju najučinkoviteje obravnava omenjeno problematiko, smo preverili na primeru južnega odseka severnega dela hitre ceste ob koridorju tretje razvojne osi med Velenjem in avtocesto A1. Rezultati preverjanja so pokazali, da povzroča predlagana najustreznejša varianta hitre ceste od Velenja do Šentruperta v Savinjski dolini največje vplive na kmetijska zemljišča od vseh obravnavanih variant na tem odseku. Na podlagi ugotovitev v magistrskem delu je v primerjalne študije variant in okoljska poročila nujno vpeljati novo ali dopolnjeno metodo vrednotenja prostorskih vplivov prostorskih ureditev z vidika varstva kmetijskih zemljišč kot del sistemskih rešitev pri urejanju in načrtovanju prostora v Sloveniji.

Keywords:geodezija, magistrsko delo, prostorsko načrtovanje, prostorska kohezija, umeščanje infrastrukturnih objektov, prometna infrastruktura, kmetijska zemljišča, metode vrednotenja, vrednotenje prostorskih vplivov
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Radišek]
Number of pages:XX, 88 str., 10 pregl., 25 sl., 4 str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32636 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5872737 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of motorway's spatial impact in context of agricultural land protection : M. Sc. Thesis
Thesis entitled "˙Evaluation of motorway's spatial impact in context of agricultural land protection" stresses the issues of agricultural land sealing, which failed to be reduced despite the relevant legislation. The thesis that for investigates the reasons for continuous sealing of the agricultural land in inappropriate methodology of spatial assessments (scenarios, environmental assessment), which evaluate the impact of spatial interventions on the agricultural land. Detailed overview of the methodology for spatial impact assessment on the agricultural land revealed that the existing method leans on quasi-quantitative estimations with a high degree of subjective evaluation. The method of impact evaluation for agricultural land was therefore recognized as less appropriate and more affective alternatives were considered. The analysis of the method adequacy showed that the most appropriate methods of spatial impact evaluation in terms of agricultural land protection are those with multi-criteria approach, namely SMARTER method. The SMARTER method was tested on implementation of the section of the third corridor state motorway. This exercise proved the scenario F5 to be most advantageous, having the lowest impact on the agricultural land followed by scenario F6. The scenario F1 proved to have the greatest influence on the agricultural land followed by F2 which was in 2007 initially selected as the best option, considering all the evaluation aspects. Subsequently "optimized" scenario F2-2 also showed considerate impact on the agricultural land, although the optimization was initially aimed to reduce the impacts on the agricultural land. The result of our evaluation showed that SMARTER method is suitable and effective method for spatial impacts evaluation of interventions on agricultural land. This study that for proposes the introduction and complementation of the existing methodology for spatial impact evaluation in terms of agricultural land protection as part of systematic spatial planning and management solutions in Slovenia and to pursue exploration and development of new evaluation methods for other aspects.

Keywords:spatial planning, territorial cohesion, placement of infrastructure facilities, agricultural land, transport infrastructure, methods of evaluation, evaluation of the spatial impacts

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