
Analiza racionalne rabe stavbnih zemljišč na podlagi ocenjenega faktorja izrabe zemljišča : diplomska naloga
ID Justinek, Vesna (Author), ID Šubic Kovač, Maruška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: DC1BC1DBFF500BA247A55466D598A912
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9ffd8620-717f-4ff2-aeaf-f02e65622ce8

Namen diplomske naloge je analizirati racionalno rabo zemljišč glede na faktor izrabe zemljišča v naselju Sevnica, natančneje na območju Drožanjske ceste in naselja Log. Zanimalo nas je, kakšne so možnosti razvoja teh dveh naselij znotraj meje, to se pravi koliko je praznih površin, koliko se da pozidati oz. zgostiti na novih nezazidanih stavbnih zemljiščih in koliko znotraj obstoječih zazidanih stavbnih zemljiščih. Ugotavljali smo tudi odškodnine zaradi spremembe namembnosti kmetijskih zemljišč po spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o kmetijskih zemljiščih. Uvodoma smo predstavili racionalnost rabe zemljišč in faktorje izrabe zemljišč v pravnih predpisih. V naših izračunih faktorjev izrabe zemljišč površine, ki so pod zemljo nismo upoštevali, ker s tem podatkom nismo razpolagali. Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo znotraj obravnavanega območja zazidana stavbna zemljišča, gradbene parcele, z nizkimi faktorji izrabe (od 0 do 0,4) in nezazidana stavbna zemljišča, na katerih je možna gradnja in s tem zgostitev pozidave ter bolj racionalna izraba zemljišč. Razpoložljivosti teh zemljišč na gradnjo nismo upoštevali. Menimo pa, da bi že v procesu prostorskega načrtovanja na podlagi izračunanih oziroma predpostavljenih faktorjev izrabe lahko analizirali možnosti gradnje, oblikovanja, gradbenih parcel in uporabe inštrumentov zemljiške politike znotraj obstoječega naselja. Z bolj racionalno rabo zemljišč in manjšimi gradbenimi parcelami, bi bila zaradi nižje odškodnine zaradi spremembe namembnosti kmetijskih zemljišč tudi gradnja cenejša.

Keywords:geodezija, diplomska dela, VSŠ, faktor izrabe zemljišča, gradbena parcela, stavbno zemljišče, odškodnina zaradi spremembe namembnosti kmetijskih zemljišč
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Justinek]
Number of pages:XIII, 74 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32576 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5892961 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of Rational Building Land Use Based on Estimated Floor Space Index
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the rational land use according to the land usage factor in the village called Sevnica, more precisely in the area of Drožanjska road and the village of Log. We were interested in the possibilities of development of these two settlements within the boundaries, that is, how much of empty space there is available, how much space can be built upon or densified on the new vacant building lands, and how much within the existing built-up building lands. We also determined the compensations for change of usage of agricultural land after changes and amendments of Agricultural Land Act. Introductorily, we have presented a rational land use and land usage factors in the law regulations. In our calculations, the land usage factors of areas that are underground are not included because this information was not available. We found that within the area of the building land in question there are building plots with low usage factors (from 0 to 0,4) and vacant building lands on which it is possible to build and with that it is also possible to densify building sites and thus to use the land more efficiently. The availability of this lands for the building purposes was not taken into consideration. However, we believe that already in the process of planning the possibilities of building, designing of building plots and land use policy instruments within existing settlements on the basis of calculated or assumed factors of usage could be analyzed. With a more rational use of land and smaller building plots, with a lower compensation due to conversion of agricultural land, construction costs could be lower, as well.

Keywords:geodesy, a land usage factor, building plot, building land, compensation for land use conversion

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