
Primerjava anizotropnih materialnih modelov v računalniškem programu Plaxis : magistrsko delo
ID Kuder, Sebastjan (Author), ID Logar, Janko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/bd45943a-e00f-4bbe-8fff-3f35d6b2c0ed

Pričujoča študija predstavlja primerjavo treh različnih materialnih modelov, ki vsak na svoj način obravnavajo pojav anizotropije v računalniškem orodju za analizo po metodi končnih elementov. V konkretnem primeru gre za komercialni računalniški program Plaxis, ki v svojem naboru materialnih modelov ponuja dva anizotropna modela: model za analizo razpokanih kamnin (angl. Jointed rock) in model NGI-ADP za analizo mehkih glin v nedreniranih pogojih. Kot alternativa obstoječima dvema modeloma je v nalogi predstavljen uporabniško definiran materialni model, ki anizotropijo v pogoju plastičnega tečenja opisuje s pomočjo posebnega skalarnega parametra. V prvem poglavju naloge so uvodoma predstavljeni osnovni pojmi, ki so povezani z anizotropijo, ter različni tipi anizotropije. Prvo poglavje nato v nadaljevanju predstavlja še različne teoretične pristope k modeliranju anizotropije. V drugem poglavju je podano teoretično ozadje programa Plaxis. Znotraj tega poglavja so predstavljene glavne predpostavke ter matematične zveze, na katerih temelji metoda končnih elementov, kot jo obravnava program Plaxis. Sledijo tri poglavja, v katerih so ločeno predstavljeni vsi trije materialni modeli. Za vsak model je naveden podroben opis s predpostavkami, glavnimi značilnostmi, posebnostmi ter parametri, ki ga definirajo. Nato sledi še poglavje, v katerem je podan opis postopkov za pripravo uporabniško definiranih materialnih modelov v programu Plaxis. V sedmem poglavju je predstavljena medsebojna primerjava treh obravnavanih materialnih modelov ter računske analize in parametrične študije. V zaključnem poglavju so predstavljene sklepne ugotovitve ter priporočila za nadaljnje raziskovalno delo.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, anizotropija, materialni model, uporabniško definiran model, Plaxis
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Kuder]
Number of pages:XV, 120 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32575 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5865569 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of anisotropic constitutive material models in computer programme Plaxis
The text presents a comparison of three different anisotropic constitutive models in a computer programme, which employs the finite element method. In this particular case Plaxis program package is used, which by default offers two models that take very different approaches to deal with the phenomenon of anisotropy. The first is Jointed rock model and the second is NGI-ADP model for analysis of soft clays in undrained conditions. As an alternative a new user defined model is introduced to Plaxis, which describes anisotropy with specially defined scalar parameter. In the first chapter a general description of anisotropy is given, followed by outline of some different theoretical approaches to modeling anisotropy. In second chapter the theoretical background of programme Plaxis is given. This chapter contains the main assumptions and mathematical relations on which finite element method is based, as considered by Plaxis. In chapters three to five all three material models are separately introduced. For each model a detailed description with assumptions, main characteristics and parameters is given. This is followed by sixth chapter which contains the description of procedures for the development of user defined material models within Plaxis. In the seventh chapter the direct comparison of three models is given backed up by numerical analysis and parametric study. In the last chapter the concluding remarks and some recommendations for future scientific work are given.

Keywords:civil engineering, master of science thesis, anisotropy, constitutive material model, user defined model, Plaxis

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