
Sonaravno urejanje voda v načrtovanju podeželskega prostora : magistrsko delo
ID Strassberger, Silva (Author), ID Prosen, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 1EE2331C9F4827C8C7BFD505AE5C2D13
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/40b52eb7-ab07-4079-96f9-b8a2f08fdebe

Magistrsko delo obravnava problematiko obremenjevanja vodnega in obvodnega podeželskega prostora zaradi različnih dejavnosti, ki so v njem prisotne. Kmetijstvo, vodno gospodarstvo, odvzemanje vode in mineralnih surovin, poselitev z infrastrukturo, rekreacijsko-turistična dejavnost ter druge človekove aktivnosti vplivajo na sedanje in prihodnje stanje (ob)vodnega sveta. Zato je bistveno določiti uravnotežen odnos med prostorskim razvojem oziroma rabo in varstvom. Prikazano je urejanje voda skozi pretekla obdobja in povzeta zakonodaja z obravnavanega področja. V ostalih evropskih državah je bil (ob)vodni prostor zaradi intenzivnejšega razvoja bolj spremenjen kot pri nas. Sedaj je stanje drugačno. V širšem evropskem prostoru je poudarjen pomen sonaravnega urejanja voda ter ponovno vzpostavljanje čim bolj naravnih razmer. Na osnovi analize posameznih sektorjev in njihovih vplivov na (ob)vodni prostor so prikazane usmeritve s ciljem trajnostnega ohranjanja naravnih oziroma ekoloških prvin krajine. Predlagani so ukrepi ali smernice za sonaravno urejanja voda, saj naši vodotoki marsikje niso ustrezno vzdrževani in niso urejeni sonaravno. Ponekod še vedno nenačrtno (stihijsko) urejanje krajine se posledično odraža tudi v ob/vodnem prostoru. Sonaravno urejanje voda je z zakonodajo vključeno v prostorsko načrtovanje, vendar ostaja problem njegove realizacije oziroma izvedbe na terenu. V delu je opozorjeno tudi na čedalje večji vpliv podnebnih sprememb na stanje voda, podane so osnovne usmeritve za njihovo urejanje v prihodnosti.

Keywords:geodezija, magistrska dela, vodni prostor, obvodni prostor, zakonodaja, sonaravno urejanje, krajina, podeželje, sektorji, agrarne operacije, poselitev, vodno gospodarstvo, podnebne spremembe
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Strassberger]
Number of pages:XVI, 121 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32540 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4641377 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Sustainable water management in the planning of rural space : master of science thesis
The master's thesis deals with the subject of impacts on water and waterside rural space by different activities present in the landscape. Agriculture, water planning, divestment of water and mineral materials, settling by infrastructure, recreational and tourist activity as well as other human activities influence the present and the future conditions of the water(side) space. It is for this reason essential to define a balanced relationship between its development or use and its protection. The thesis describes water management in the past periods and presents a summary of legislation from this area. Due to more intensive development in other European countries the water(side) space used to be subjected to more severe changes than in Slovenia. However, the situation has changed. In the wider European area has highlighted the importance of sustainable water management and restoration of natural conditions as possible. Based on the analysis of individual sectors and their impacts on water(side) space the thesis shows orientations with the aim of sustainable preservation of natural or ecological landscape elements. It proposes measures or guidelines for sustainable development of waters in rural space, as Slovenian waters are still not maintained adequately and are not regulated according to the principle of sustainable management. In some areas the development of landscape still lacks any plans, which also has consequences on the water(side) space. Sustainable water management is according to legislation part of the integral planning of rural space, but the problem of its realisation or implementation in reality remains unsolved. The thesis also brings attention to increasing influence of climatic changes on the condition of waters and gives the basic guidelines for their development in the future.

Keywords:geodesy, master of science thesis, water space, waterside space, legislation, sustainable management, landscape, countryside, sectors, agrarian operations, settling, water planning, climatic changes

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