In industry the use of materials and substances that pose a threat to human health and life, especially in case of fire, has increased. Therefore it has become more and more important that industrial facilities be designed properly and that, in case of fire, they not pose a danger to human life and health and the environment. For the assessment of fire safety, fire simulations with computer software are made. In the first part of the thesis, I summarized the basics of combustion, combustion products and the characteristics of fires in buildings. I analyzed the fire statistics in Slovenia. I then examined the existing legal requirements for fire and building safety. In the second part of the thesis, I conducted a fire simulation in a wood processing industry facility where different wood coatings are used. I was particularly interested in the facility because of its large fire load. I conducted the fire simulation with Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) software package and Smokeview (SMW). I did 8 different fire simulation variants in which I have tried to determine the influence of the wood coating presence, individual design elements, wind and fire extinguishing with CO2 on the Dynamics and concentrations of combustion products. Based on the simulation results I made a comparison between the variants for the individual parts of the facility. I analyzed CO and CO2 concentrations and determined whether they are a potential threat to human health and life. Based on the CO and CO2 results, I estimated the dynamics of toxic combustion products, which can be generated by burning of the polyurethane wood coating. Finally, I suggested improvements for better fire safety.