In this thesis we analyse and design a typical load-bearing structure of an more storey office building, located in Logatec. The horizontal load-bearing structure of the concerned building consists of full interfloor plates and a roof plate, the vertical load-bearing structure consists of spatial frame constructions and walls. The spacings between the concrete frames is filled with brick walls. In the analysis of the structure in addition to permanent and variable impacts we also consider the seismic impact in the horizontal direction. In the commercial program SAP2000 (Computers and Structures, Inc., 2014) we design two different computational models of the load-bearing structure. The first model serves for the analyse and design or a typical interfloor plate, the second for the analyse of the vertical load-bearing structure. Because of big loads in the walls in influence of the seismic impact we have to perform a modification of the vertical model of the load-bearing structure. The results of the analyse and design of typical elements of the load-bearing structure are presented with reinforcement plans, which are a part of the annex of the thesis.