
Ocena potresne odpornosti dvoetažnega poslovnega objekta na območju Kamnika : diplomska naloga
ID Jamšek, Aleš (Author), ID Dolšek, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: CE9F293212C4C9650A706BD1ED0FA84C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b202e6bd-04d1-4ef3-91aa-3a08621475b2

V diplomski nalogi naredimo potresno analizo dvoetažne armiranobetonske skeletne stavbe z opečnimi polnili na območju Kamnika. Zgradba je bila projektirana leta 1978 z upoštevanjem takrat veljavnega pravilnika za gradnjo objektov na potresnih območjih. V prvem delu diplomske naloge smo povzeli osnovne člene pravilnika, ki je bil veljaven v času projektiranja konstrukcije, in nato še izbrana pravila Evrokoda s poudarkom na vrednotenju vpliva opečnih polnil v procesu projektiranja konstrukcije. Za obravnavano konstrukcijo smo potresne sile računali po obeh standardih, pri čemer smo v primeru uporabe Evrokoda 8 račun naredili z upoštevanjem treh različnih modelov konstrukcije. V osnovnem modelu smo za grede upoštevali kvadratne prereze gred ter zanemarili vpliv opečnih polnil. V ostalih dveh modelih smo grede modelirali z upoštevanjem sodelujoče širine plošče pri čemer smo enkrat vpliv opečnih polnil zanemarili, drugič pa smo jih modelirali z nadomestnimi diagonalami. Vse analize smo vršili s programom ETABS in SAP2000. Ugotovili smo, da so bile projektne potresne sile po pravilniku, ki je veljal v času projektiranja objekta, približno trikrat manjše od potresnih sil izračunanih po Evrokodih. Posledično znaša količine vzdolžne armature v stebrih pritličja približno petino računsko potrebne armature po Evrokodih, v zgornjem nadstropju pa približno tretjino potrebne vzdolžne armature po Evrokodih. Razlika bi bila še večja, če bi pri projektiranju stebrov in gred upoštevali vsa določila metode načrtovanja nosilnosti, ki jih predvideva Evrokod 8. Upoštevanje polnil pri modeliranju konstrukcije, je zmanjšalo nihajni čas od 25% do 50% glede na nihajni čas okvirne konstrukcije, vendar so projektne potresne sile za obravnavan primer stavbe ostale nespremenjene.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, B-GR, potresno inženirstvo, potresnoodporno projektiranje, armiranobetonski okvir, opečna polnila, Evrokod, ETABS, SAP2000
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Jamšek]
Number of pages:X, 38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32425 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6838113 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
JAMŠEK, Aleš, 2014, Ocena potresne odpornosti dvoetažnega poslovnega objekta na območju Kamnika : diplomska naloga [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Jamšek. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Assessment of seismic resistance of two-storey office building in the area of Kamnik
In thesis, the seismic analysis of two-storey office building in the area of Kamnik is performed. The building, which was designed in 1978 by using the then applicable rules for earthquake-resistant design of buildings, consisting of reinforced concrete frame and masonry infills. Basic articles of regulation valid in 1978 are firstly presented. Follow explanation of the Eurocodes with an emphasis on rules which address the consideration of the effects of masonry infills. In the second part of the thesis, the design seismic forces are calculated according to both standards, while in the case of Eurocode 8, the design seismic forces are assessed by using three different structural models. In addition to base case model, where beam cross sections were considered rectangular, the beam cross sections were modelled with consideration of the effective width of slab, firstly without consideration of the effect of masonry infill and secondly with consideration of infills, which were modelled by diagonals. All analyses were performed by ETABS and SAP2000. It was found that the design seismic forces according to the regulations from the time of the design of the facility were approximately three times smaller than the design seismic forces calculated according to Eurocodes. As a result, the amount of longitudinal reinforcement in the columns of the ground floor was around one-fifth of the required reinforcement according to Eurocodes, while in the top floor the amount of reinforcement in the columns was around one third of the required longitudinal reinforcement based on Eurocodes. The difference would be even greater if the design of the columns would account all the provisions of Eurocode 8. Consideration of infills in the structural model, decreased the vibration periods of the structure from 25% to 50% relative to the period obtained in the case of bare frame, but the design seismic forces for the case under consideration remained unchanged.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, earthquake engineering, earthquake-resistant design, reinforced concrete frame, masonry infill, Eurocode, seismic analysis

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