
Vzpostavitev koordinatne osnove z GNSS ob uporabi omrežij SIGNAL in CROPOS na območju Razkrižja, Šafarskega in Gibine : diplomska naloga
ID Kočila, Jan (Author), ID Pavlovčič Prešeren, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8f63b4bc-ab68-45b0-bb98-a657e047986b

V nalogi obravnavamo določitev koordinat točk z GNSS-metodami izmere na območju, ki se nahaja v okolici slovensko-hrvaške državne meje, podrobneje v Razkrižju, v Šafarskem in v Gibini. Za vzpostavitev koordinatne osnove smo uporabili hitro statično izmero GNSS in RTK-metodo izmere. Opazovanja hitre statične metode izmere smo obdelali dvakrat neodvisno: najprej z navezavo na stalno delujočo postajo GNSS slovenskega omrežja SIGNAL v Lendavi, nato pa z navezavo na stalno delujočo postajo GNSS hrvaškega omrežja CROPOS v Čakovcu. Analizirali smo in primerjali delovanje omrežja stalnih postaj Hrvaške in Slovenije. V prvi fazi smo primerjali rezultate naknadne obdelave hitre statične metode izmere GNSS z navezavami na stalne postaje različnih državnih omrežij. V drugi fazi smo naredili RTK-metodo izmere GNSS na hrvaškem ozemlju, enkrat v okviru omrežja SIGNAL, drugič pa v okviru omrežja CROPOS, in pridobljene rezultate primerjali. Ker smo meritve izvajali na trajno stabiliziranih točkah z danimi koordinatami v koordinatnem sistemu D48/GK, smo na danem območju v Sloveniji naredili tudi hitro analizo kvalitete uradnih transformacijskih parametrov 7-parametrične transformacije za območje Pomurja.

Keywords:geodezija, diplomska naloga, UNI, GIG, hitra statična izmera GNSS, RTK - metoda izmere, CROPOS, SiGNAL, VRS, 7-parametrična transformacija, Pomurje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Kočila]
Number of pages:XII, 30 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32403 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6727009 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Title:GNSS coordinate basis establishment using SIGNAL and CROPOS at the area of Razkrižje, Šafarsko and Gibina
The thesis deals with determining the coordinates of the points with GNSS surveying methods in the area located near the Slovenian - Croatian border, to be more specific in Razkrižje in Šafarsko and Gibina. To establish a coordinate basis, we have used fast static GNSS surveying and RTK measurement method. Measurements of fast static survey methods were analyzed independently twice: first, by connecting to the constantly active Slovenian GNSS network station SIGNAL in Lendava, and then by connecting to the constantly active Croatian GNSS station network CROPOS in Čakovec. We have analyzed and compared the performance of the networks of permanent GNSS stations in Croatia and Slovenia. In the first phase, we have compared the results of the post-processing of fast static GNSS measurement methods with a link to permanent refernce stations of various national networks. In the second phase we have performed RTK–surveying method GNNS on Croatian territory, first with the network SIGNAL and second time in the context of network CROPOS, and obtained results were compared. Since the measurements were carried out on permanently stabilized points with given coordinates in a coordinate system D48/GK, we have made in selected area in Slovenia a quick analysis of the quality official transformation parameters 7-parametric transformation for the area of Pomurje.

Keywords:fast static GNSS surveying, RTK-method, CROPOS, SiGNAL, VRS, 7-parametric transformation, Pomurje

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