
Variante obvoznice Zgornji Hotič : diplomska naloga
ID Vozelj, Nejc (Author), ID Lipar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rijavec, Robert (Comentor)

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MD5: 68EA1081A552C0A76A31A887E7428EB0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8384df23-2a4f-4ffa-8fc4-dc0a3df7bc60

V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena rešitev ceste skozi naselje Zgornji Hotič. Obstoječa cesta skozi naselje je glavna povezava Zasavja s prestolnico, zato je tam dnevno veliko prometa. Obravnavana cesta je problematična zaradi nevarnega mesta in bližine objektov na cesti, kateri močno zmanjšujejo prevoznost in prometno varnost. Za rešitev smo se odločili, da naredimo obvoznico po južni strani, med naseljem Zgornji Hotič in reko Savo. Naredili smo primerjavo dveh obvoznic po južni strani. Prva je bila projektirana na projektno hitrost 70 km/h, druga pa je bila projektirana na projektno hitrost 90 km/h. Obe obvoznici smo sprojektiral s pomočjo programskega orodja Plateia, v katerem smo določili horizontalni in vertikalni potek trase. Prav tako smo s programom izračunal volumne izkopov in nasipov, ki so bili izračunani na podlagi izbranega normalnega prečnega profila. Sprojektirali smo še osnovne elemente križišča in priključka variante, ki smo jih na koncu izbral.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, VSŠ-B, ceste, Plateia, idejne zasnove
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Vozelj]
Number of pages:X, 48 str., [7] pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32380 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6760801 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Bypass variants of Zgornji Hotič
In my Graduation Thesis we presented the solution of road through Zgornji Hotič. This road si daily very busy, because the road is the main connection between the capital of Slovenia and the region Zasavje. The discussed road through Zgornji Hotič is problematic because of dangerous sections of the road and nearby buildings, which lower the transportability and safety of the road. As a solution we have decided to make a bypass between the south-end of Zgornji Hotič and the river Sava. We have made comparison between two baypasses on the south-end. The first baypass was designed on design speed of 70 km/h and the second bypass on design speed of 90 km/h. Both bypasses were made with the help of program Plateia, where we have determined the alignment and the profile of the road. Also with the program we have calculated the volumes of cuts and fills. For the selected road we have designed basic elements for the port and crossroad.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, national roads, Slovenia, outline scheme, profiles

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