
Spremembe na področju posredovanja nepremičnin v obdobju recesije : diplomska naloga
ID Kostajnšek, Martina (Author), ID Šubic Kovač, Maruška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kern, Jure (Comentor)

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MD5: 6A8F8A9D0476886584762013CFB9F601
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/269acb3e-8201-4a4c-bf1b-6777aa6227f6

V diplomski nalogi je obravnavano področje nepremičninskega posredovanja v obdobju recesije v Republiki Sloveniji, točneje na območju Mestne občine Ljubljana ter spremembe glede na obdobje pred recesijo. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika je predstavljeno delovanje trga stanovanjskih nepremičnin na območju Mestne občine Ljubljana v letu 2013 z vidika nepremičninskih družb ter spremembe v njihovem delovanju glede na obdobje pred letom 2008. Natančneje je predstavljena prodaja stanovanjskih nepremičnin ter njihovo oglaševanje. V letu 2013 so nepremičninske družbe v prvi vrsti prodajala stanovanja, medtem ko je prodaja stanovanjskih hiš precej zaostajala za njimi. Število sklenjenih prodajnih poslov je v letu 2013 glede na obdobje pred letom 2008 za stanovanjske nepremičnine upadlo pri več kot dveh tretjinah anketirancev, kar pa ni bistveno vplivalo na zaposlovanje nepremičninskih posrednikov, saj je njihovo število ostalo nespremenjeno pri več kot dveh tretjinah anketirancev. Nepremičninske družbe so v letu 2013 največ oglaševale s pomočjo interneta, sledijo oglaševanje v časopisih in oglasnikih. Delež stroškov namenjenih oglaševanju se za različne vrste oglaševanja v povprečju pri polovici anketirancev v letu 2013 glede na obdobje pred letom 2008 ni spremenil. Še največ anketirancev je spremembo v smislu povišanja deleža stroškov zaznala pri oglaševanju na internetu. Skladno s tem so bili anketiranci bolj kot ne neodločeni, ali intenzivnejše oglaševanje v obdobju recesije za nepremičninsko družbo predstavlja konkurenčno prednost. Nepremičninske družbe največjo konkurenčno prednost vidijo v izkušenosti nepremičninskega posrednika ter ponudbi raznovrstnih stanovanjskih nepremičnin od najnižjega do najvišjega cenovnega razreda.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, VSŠ, nepremičninsko posredovanje, recesija, oglaševanje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Kostajnšek
Number of pages:VIII, 48 str., 2 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32263 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6666337 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Changes in the field of real services during the period of recession
In graduation thesis I discuss how real estate agencies in Republic of Slovenia, more precisely in Mestna občina Ljubljana operate during the period of recession and changes with the period before the recession. With poll questionnarie it is presented operation of the market of residential properties in the area ob Mestna občina Ljubljana in the year of 2013. It is presented how that market is seen by real estate agencies together with changes in the market according to the period before the year of 2008. Specifically it is presented sale in the field of residential properties and advertising in that field. In the year of 2013 the main sales product of real estate agencies in the field of residential properties was apartments while sales of houses was far behind them. Number of property transactions in 2013 compared with the period before 2008 fell for two-thirds of respondents which didn't affect on employment of estate agents, as their number remained unchanged in more than two-thirds of the respondents. Real estate agencies in 2013 advertised mostly on the Internet followed by advertising in newspapers and specific sales magazines. Share of the costs for different types of advertising did not change on average for half of the respondents in the year of 2013 compared to the period before 2008. The largest number of respondents experiencesed increas of the costs for advertising on the Internet. Accordingly, respondents were more or less undecided wheather intensive advertising during the period of recession for a real estate agency is a competitive advantage. For real estate agencies the most competitive advantage is experienced real estate agent and a wide choice of residential preperties from the lowest to the highest price category.

Keywords:real estate services, recession, advertising

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