
Vloga javnega prostora kot podpora urbanemu razvoju na primeru majhnih mest v Sloveniji : doktorska disertacija
ID Vertelj Nared, Petra (Author), ID Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kos, Drago (Comentor)

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MD5: C33B67F5709252614ECE8C6106DF2B1A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/6b8d2cf5-637a-4fd4-9869-d2542ec9907f

Doktorska disertacija na primeru desetih izbranih majhnih mest v Sloveniji raziskuje povezanost dejanskega stanja odprtega javnega prostora z zadovoljstvom in rabo prebivalcev kot vidika kakovosti bivanja. Ob izhodišču, da urejen odprti javni prostor izboljšuje kakovost bivanja in spodbuja urbani razvoj, je izpostavljena hipoteza, da urejen in raznovrsten odprti javni prostor bolj prispeva k zadovoljstvu in rabi kot skupna količina odprtega javnega prostora v mestu. Hipoteza je v disertaciji preverjena z dveh vidikov, s prostorskega in sociološkega. V okviru prostorske raziskave so bile opravljene analize dejanskega stanja prostora, v okviru sociološke pa anketni vprašalnik po pošti v izbranih majhnih mestih (Cerknica, Dravograd, Ljutomer, Metlika, Piran, Slovenske Konjice, Tolmin, Trebnje, Žalec in Železniki). Za ugotavljanje povezanosti obeh delov raziskave so bile uporabljene multivariatne analize, hierarhične metode združevanja, korelacijske analize in linearne regresije. V raziskavi potrjujemo hipotezo in ugotavljamo, da urejen in raznovrsten odprti javni prostor bolj prispeva k zadovoljstvu in rabi odprtega javnega prostora kot skupna količina odprtega javnega prostora. Kot poglavitni vrsti odprtega javnega prostora, ki najbolj prispevata k zadovoljstvu in rabi, sta se izkazala mestni park in za pešce urejen mestni trg. Ugotovljeno je, da se v gosteje poseljenih mestih in mestih z večjim obsegom trgov, namenjenih pešcem, ne pa tudi motornim vozilom, več ljudi giblje peš. Raziskava odkriva pomen enakomerne opremljenosti mesta z raznovrstnim, urejenim, dostopnim in pešcem namenjenim odprtim javnim prostorom za kakovost bivanja. Izpostavljen je pomen urejanja prostorov, ki spodbujajo vsakodnevno rabo odprtega javnega prostora v majhnih mestih.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, disertacije, odprti javni prostor, majhna mesta, urbani razvoj, kakovost bivanja, Slovenija
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Vertelj Nared]
Number of pages:XXIV, 218 str., [55] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32237 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6461793 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The role of public space as urban development support in small Slovenian cities case study
The study of ten small Slovenian cities is used in this doctoral dissertation to explore the connections between public open space state and inhabitants’ use and satisfaction with it. Deriving from the assumption that well-managed public open space improves the quality of life and stimulates urban development, the hypothesis has been formed that a well-managed and diverse public open space is more important for inhabitants’ satisfaction and spatial use than the overall quantity of public open space in a city. The hypothesis has been tested from the spatial and social points of view. Spatial analyses of public open space has been carried out as a spatial part of the research and a mail survey has been used for the sociological part of the research in selected small cities (Cerknica, Dravograd, Ljutomer, Metlika, Piran, Slovenske Konjice, Tolmin, Trebnje, Žalec and Železniki). To determine the statistical relationship between the two parts, a multi-variable analyses, methods of hierarchical clustering, correlation analyses and linear regression were used. The hypothesis was confirmed as it was established that a well-managed and diverse public open space contributes more to inhabitants’ satisfaction and public space use than the overall quantity of the public open space. City park and square without motorised traffic have been identified as the two types of public open space that contribute most to inhabitants’ satisfaction and use of these areas. There are also more people walking in densely populated cities and in cities where the square is a pedestrian zone. The study reveals the importance of diverse, well-managed, accessible, evenly dispersed throughout the city and pro-pedestrian public open space for quality of life. The focus should be on arranging areas that encourage daily use of public open spaces in small cities.

Keywords:civil engineering, thesis, public open space, small cities, urban development, quality of life

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