
Tveganje v ocenjevanju stroškov življenskega cikla gradbenega objekta : diplomska naloga
ID Finc, Uroš (Author), ID Šelih, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga prikazuje postopek ocenjevanja celotnih stroškov življenjskega cikla gradbenega objekta. Pri tem so posebej izpostavljena tveganja, povezana z odločanjem, v vseh fazah življenjskega cikla gradbenega projekta, torej med zasnovo, projektiranjem, gradnjo, uporabo in obratovanjem in koncem življenjske dobe. Predstavil sem upravljanje s tveganji, kakšni stroški in z njimi povezana tveganja nastanejo pri gradnji objekta, kako tveganja identificiramo, kdo je odgovoren zanje in podobno. Opisal sem tudi analizo stroškov celotnega življenjskega cikla in metode napovedovanja življenjskih stroškov. Odločitve in z njimi povezana tveganja so predstavljena po projektnih fazah od študije izvedljivosti do konca življenjske dobe (zastarelosti) objekta. V razpredelnicah sem podal možna tveganja in pripadajoče odzive. Sledi primer analize celokupnih stroškov življenjskega cikla za izbrani objekt, za katerega sem s pomočjo obstoječe programske opreme izračunal in predstavil stroške vzdrževanja, upravljanja in obratovanja za najemno dobo 15 let. Rezultati kažejo, da predstavljajo stroški ogrevanja 23 %, stroški vzdrževanja za obravnavani objekt pa 44 % celotnih stroškov uporabe objekta. Predstavil sem še parametrično analizo stroškov življenjskega cikla za poenostavljen primer okna, pri katerem se kot parameter spreminja material okenskega okvira, kar vodi k različnim skupnim stroškom celotnega življenjskega cikla, ki vključujejo ceno proizvoda ter stroške ogrevanja in vzdrževanja med uporabo objekta ob enakem funkcionalnem obnašanju.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, gradben objekt, stroški življenskega cikla, tveganje, upravljanje s tveganji, faza gradnje, faza uporabe
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Finc]
Number of pages:IX f., 70 str., pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32098 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3262561 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Risks in whole life cycle costs of a building : graduation thesis
The thesis presents the procedure for the whole life-cycle costs assessment of a building. Special emphasis is placed on risks associated with decisions in sequential stages of the construction project: concept, design, construction, operation and end of life. Risk management, i.e. types of costs and associated risks generated during construction project, risk identification, allocation and responsibility, is discussed. The whole life cycle cost analysis (WLCC analysis) is described together with different methods of life cycle costs prediction. Decisions and the associated risks are presented for each project stage. Possible risks and adequate responses to these risks are sytematically presented in tables. Chapters discussing the theory of WLCC analysis and associated risks are followed by the case study were WLCC analysis was conducted for the selected building. Management, maintenance and operation costs were calculated by using the existing software package for the time period of 15 years. The results show that the heating and maintenance costs represent 23 % and 44 %, respectively, of the total operation costs for the analysed building. In addition, a parametric analysis of whole life cycle costs for a simplified case of a window frame material variation was carried out. Different types of frames result in different life cycle costs which include the product price together with the heating and maintenance costs at equal functional level.

Keywords:building, life cycle costs, risk, risk management, construction stage, operation stage

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