
Upravljanje s tveganji v gradbenem projektu : diplomska naloga
ID Rek, Anja (Author), ID Šelih, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Srdič, Aleksander (Comentor)

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MD5: 64995883C76F3ED02D87AE5D3DFBFE66
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/717bf610-95c2-47b1-85cc-6ada27eb3701

Vsak projekt je edinstven in zato je tveganje prisotno pri vsakem projektu . Časovna omejitev in dinamičen ter spremenljiv značaj gradbenega projekta so vzrok za situacije, pri katerih se neprestano pojavljajo nova tveganja in negotovosti. Posledica tega so pogosta prekoračenja predvidenih rokov in stroškov gradbenega projekta. Upravljanje s tveganjem pri gradbenih projektih je torej nujno, saj lahko z ustreznim upravljanjem s tveganjem zmanjšamo ali celo odpravimo negativni vpliv tveganja na cilje gradbenega projekta, ki se nanašajo na čas, stroške in kakovost. Prvi del diplomske naloge podaja teoretična izhodišča vodenja projektov, gradbenega projekta, gradbenega managementa in upravljanja s tveganji. Pri tem je poudarjena pomembnost projektnega managementa in upravljanja s tveganji pri doseganju zastavljenih ciljev gradbenega projekta. Drugi del naloge predstavlja program Pertmaster, ki računalniško podpira projektno vodenje in upravljanje s tveganji. Opredeljeni so osnovni elementi programa Pertmaster in možnosti vključevanja komponent tveganja v projekt s pomočjo tega programa. Na primeru gradbenega projekta za večstanovanjski objekt sem v Pertmastru naredila plan projekta in izvedla simulacijo in analizo tveganja. V tem poglavju predstavlja naloga plan tega projekta in rezultate analize tveganja (histogrami tveganja, tornado grafi in grafični prikaz razpršenosti). Na podlagi študijske literature in obravnavanih primerov (zlasti primera narejenega v Pertmastru) ugotavljam, da je upoštevanje tveganja pri planiranju nujno potrebno za boljše in bolj učinkovito planiranje projektov in za pridobitev realnejših končnih rokov in stroškov. Tega dejstva se v Sloveniji žal še premalo zavedamo, saj se v slovenski gradbeni praksi upravljanje s tveganji ne pojavlja rutinsko. Situacija bi se lahko izboljšala z dosledno izdelavo registra tveganj in z uporabo ustrezne računalniške podpore projektnemu vodenju.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, projekt, gradbeni projekt, management, tveganje, upravljanje s tveganji, analiza tveganja, Portmaster
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Rek]
Number of pages:XIII, 110 str., pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32097 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3313249 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Risk management in construction projects : graduation thesis
Risk management in construction projects Each project is unique and therefore risk is associated with any project. Time limitation, dynamic and unstable character of construction project result in situations where new risks and uncertainties frequently appear. As a consequence, budget and deadlines specified by the construction project plan are often exceeded. Risk management in construction projects is required if adverse effects of project risks upon the project goals (time, cost, quality) are to be reduced. The first part of the thesis presents the theoretical background of project management, construction project and risk management. The importance of project and risk management in achieving construction project goals is emphasized. The second part presents the software tool Pertmaster as a computer-based support to project and risk management. Basic elements of this software package are described along with the possibilities offered to incorporate the risk components in the project. A project plan, simulation and risk analysis for a selected multidwelling building were prepared by Permaster. The last part of the thesis therefore presents the plan and results of the risk analysis (risk histogram, tornado graph, scatter plot ). Based on the literature survey and case studies (especially the case analysed in the thesis by using Pertmaster), it can be concluded that incorporating risk analysis in project planning is necessary for more efficient project planning, as it leads to a more realistic assessment of costs and deadlines. Slovenian construction industry is not fully aware of the potiential of risk analysis and management, therefore these techniques are not carried out on a routine basis in Slovenia. The situation could be improved by establishing a risk register and promotion of use of appropriate software packages.

Keywords:project, construction project, management, risk, risk management, risk analysis, Portmaster

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