
Analiza postopka javnega naročila za adaptacijo Centralne lekarne v Ljubljani : diplomska naloga
ID Križaj, Miha (Author), ID Šubic Kovač, Maruška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B1FF004021C22111094917E8AB162948
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/81675722-d65d-4dc5-89b9-09bc52c4882a

Diplomska naloga obravnava vse postopke od vloge za objavo javnega naročila, izvedbe postopka javnega naročila in adaptacije, do izdaje uporabnega dovoljenja za uporabo objekta. Prvi del obsega problematiko Centralne lekarne glede dotrajanosti prostorov in njeno bogato zgodovino, katere začetki segajo v 16. stoletje. Drugi del naloge obsega celotno kronologijo Zakona o javnih naročilih, od njegove prve objave leta 1997. Prva objava Zakona o javnih naročilih (ZJN) je bil zaradi neizkušenosti pripravljavcev polna nesmiselnih določil, ki se niso mogla uskladiti z obstoječo zakonodajo. Zakon je bil deležen tudi številnih kritik s strani EU. Zato je bil leta 2000 sprejet nov Zakon o javnih naročilih (ZJN-1A), ki je kmalu po uveljavitvi pokazal številne pomanjkljivosti in naletel na kritike domače in tuje javnosti, saj naj bi nesmiselno povzemal pravila drugih članic EU. Leta 2004 je bil sprejet Zakon o spremembah in dopolnilih ZJN-1A, ki vsebuje vrsto uskladitev ZJN-1A s pravili EU o javnem naročanju in popravke, ki so se pri ZJN-1 pokazale v praksi. Tretji del obsega pripravo dokumentacije in objavo javnega naročila. Prikazan je postopek izdelave ponudbe enega izmed ponudnikov ter izbira najugodnejšega ponudnika izmed ponudnikov, ki so predložili popolno ponudbo. Izbira najugodnejšega ponudnika je bila izvedena po postopku točkovanja prispelih ponudb. Ponudbe, ki niso vsebovale popolne dokumentacije, so bile izločene. V zadnjem delu je opisan postopek izvedbe adaptacije, problemi, ki so ob tem nastajali in način reševanja le teh. Primerjava ponudbene vrednosti del in končne vrednosti opravljenih del pokaže, da je končni strošek višji od predvidenega in da se je med adaptacijo pojavilo kar nekaj dodatnih del, ki niso bila predvidena. V teh delih se navadno skriva dobiček izvajalca.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, VSŠ, javno naročilo, ponudnik, ponudba, izbira najugodnejšega ponudnika
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Križaj]
Number of pages:X, 58 str., pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32064 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3181665 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of public procurement procedure concerning the Ljubljana Central pharmacy renovation : graduation thesis
The diploma thesis deals with all procedures from the application for the public procurement notice, the implementation of the public procurement procedure and adaptation, to the granting of the certificate of occupancy for the building. The first part contains the issue of the Central Pharmacy associated with the bad repair of the rooms and its rich history going back to the 16th century. The second part contains the entire chronology of the Law on public procurements (ZJN) since its first announcement in the year 1997. The first announcement of the Law on public procurements was due to the lacking experience of the preparers full of absurd provisions that from the EU. For this reason, the new Law on public procurements (ZJN-1A) was passed in the year 2000. Soon after its enactment, the same one showed many imperfections and it got many critical remarks from the domestic and foreign public, because it senselessly took over the regulations of the EU members. In 2004, the Amendments to the law ZJN-1A were passed, which contains a series of harmonisation of the ZJN-1A with the EU regulations on public procurements and the correction of imperfections in the ZJN-1A shown in practice. The third part contains the preparation of documentation and announcement of the public procurement. It represents the procedure of preparing a bid of one of the bidders and the selection of the most favourable bidder out of the bidders submitting the complete bid. The selection of the most favourable bidder was carried out according to the procedure of point marking of the handed bids. The bids which did not contain the complete documentation were eliminated. The last part describes the adaptation procedure, the problems which arose in this connection and the solving method. The comparison of the bid value and the final value of the carried out works shows that the final costs are higher than anticipated and that during the adaptation some unforeseen extra works have been arising. Usually the profit of the executor is hidden in these extra works.

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