
Primerjalna analiza računalniških programov za nelinearno seizmično analizo sodobnih zidanih konstrukcij : diplomska naloga
ID Rihtarec, Robert (Author), ID Bosiljkov, Vlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Cotič Smole, Patricia (Comentor)

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MD5: 400F4535FDB1CC5F2B406C8E66137A48
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d11bd1a2-f1a4-496d-926c-2ef88fab8e4f

V diplomski nalogi analiziramo primerjave treh različnih programskih orodij za nelinearno seizmično analizo zidanih konstrukcij, kjer se omejimo na sodobne zgradbe. Obravnavane so tako prototipne konstrukcije, t.j. konstrukcije v naravni velikosti kot modelne, t.j. pomanjšane konstrukcije. Primerjava z modelnimi konstrukcijami je bila nujna za analizo učinkovitosti posameznega programa pri napovedi obnašanja zidanih konstrukcij, narejenih v modelnem merilu in preskušanih na potresni mizi. Pri dimenzioniranju modelnih konstrukcij je bila upoštevana popolna modelna podobnost. Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz teoretičnega dela, v katerem so predstavljeni deli standardov, po katerih je določena odpornost novih zidanih konstrukcij na potresno obtežbo in na osnovi katerih delujejo obravnavana računalniška orodja Sremb, 3Muri ter AmQuake. Podan je opis poenostavljene metode N2, razlaga modelne podobnosti ter kratek opis delovanja programskih orodij. Sledi računski del, kjer so analizirane obravnavane konstrukcije ter na osnovi rezultatov izvedene primerjave med programi. Numerično dobljene rezultate na koncu primerjamo še z eksperimentalnimi rezultati s potresne mize. V zaključku na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov lahko rečemo, da s sodobnimi računalniškimi programi dobimo konservativne rezultate. Zaradi številnih poenostavitev izračuna in različnih stopenj upoštevanja standardov, dobljene numerične rešitve v večini primerov ne morejo v vseh vidikih zajeti eksperimentalno dobljenega odziva stavb na potresno obtežbo. Kljub temu se dejanskemu odzivu lahko že veliko bolje približamo s poenostavljenimi numeričnimi modeli, ki upoštevajo globalno obnašanje stavbe in ne le etažnega mehanizma.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, potresno inženirstvo, sodobne zidane konstrukcije, nelinearna seizmična analiza, modelna podobnost, primerjalna analiza, numerična simulacija, potresna miza, gradbeništvo
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Rihtarec]
Number of pages:XXI, 91 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-31158-8eab34a8-73ca-e1f9-e90a-5e1502a9ef94 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5806433 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative analysis of computer programs for nonlinear seismic analysis of contemporary masonry buildings : graduation thesis
The diploma contains a comparative analysis of three different computer programs for nonlinear seismic analysis of masonry buildings, restricted to modern buildings. Prototypes or full scale buildings, as well as models or scaled buildings were subjected to the analysis. The assessment of model structures was necessary for the analysis of effectiveness of each software in the response estimation of model masonry buildings, tested on the shaking table. For the purpose of design of model buildings, complete model similitude was taken into account. The diploma consists of a theoretical part, with an explanation of parts of standards that are used for the calculation of the seismic resistance of new masonry buildings and on which discussed programs are based (Sremb, 3Muri and AmQuake). A description of the simplified method N2 is given as well as a short description of operation for all three programs. In the computation phase, the particular buildings are analyzed. On the basis of the acquired results, a comparison is made between the outputs of different programs. Finally, the numerical results are compared to those gained from the experiment on the shaking table. In the conclusion, based on acquired results, we can state that computer programs give conservative results. Due to various applied simplifications, different levels of compliance of standards and other factors, the numeric results often do not reflect the actual state. Despite all, it is possible to make a good approximation of the actual response with simplified numeric models that take into account the global response mechanism instead of the storey response mechanism.

Keywords:graduation thesis, earthquake engineering, contemporary masonry buildings, nonlinear seismic analysis, model similitude, comparative analysis, numeric simulation, shaking table, civil engineering

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