
Izračun hidroenergetskega potenciala potoka Pendirjevka pri Šentjerneju : diplomska naloga
ID Simončič, Klemen (Author), ID Kryžanowski, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8CF8B370CE7E58EDC4719777E9B5A8A0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/890f97b4-71d9-4e36-a22d-d7456c995ff3
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V diplomski nalogi smo izvedli oceno potenciala za proizvodnjo električne energije na manjšem potoku, Pendijevki na porečju reke Krke lociranem na pobočju Gorjancev. Oceno smo izvedli na odseku med dvema obstoječima prodnima pregradama. Ker hidrološki podatki za ta odsek niso bili na voljo smo najprej naredili preveritev karakterističnih pretokov z uporabo empiričnih enačb in jih primerjali s sosednjim porečjem za katerega smo imeli na voljo dolgoletni niz povprečnih dnevnih pretokov. Na osnovi potrditve podobnosti med porečjema smo določili niz povprečnih dnevnih pretokov v obravnavanem obdobju za Pendirjevko. V naslednjem koraku smo določili razpoložljive dnevne pretoke, ki jih lahko izkoristimo za energetsko rabo in na osnovi izbranega instaliranega pretoka turbin določili energetske karakteristike hidroelelktrarne. Instaliran pretok smo povečevali postopoma in vsakič izračunali proizvedeno energijo ter prihodek proizvedene energije. Na ta način smo določili optimalni instalirani pretok in karakteristike elektrarne za katerega je investicija ekonomsko upravičljiva.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, B-GR, elektrarna, potok, energija, pretok, inštalirani pretok, pregrada, cevovod, turbina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Simončič]
Number of pages:XII, 33 str., 1 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30903 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6831201 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Assessment of hydroelectric power potential of Pendirjevka stream
In this dissertation we evaluated the potential for generating electrical energy on a smaller stream, Pendirjevka, within the Krka river basin located on the Gorjanci hillside. The estimate was made on a section between two gravel barriers. Since the hydrologic data for this section were not available, we first checked the characteristical flows using empyrical formulas and then compared them with those of an adjacent river basin, whose long-time series of average daily flows were accessible. Based on the confirmation of the two basins being similar, we determined the series of Pendirjevka's average daily flows in the discussed period. The next step consisted of determining the available daily flows which can be exploited for energy purposes and determining the energy characteristics of the hydroelectric power station based on the chosen installed flow of the turbine. We gradually increased the installed flow and each time calculated the produced energy and its earnings. By doing so we determined the optimum installed flow and the characteristics of a power station for which an investment is economically legitimate.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, power plant, stream, power, flow, rated flow, barrier, pipeline, turbine

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