
Centralni nadzorni sistem na medicinski fakulteti
ID KOVAČIČ, MATEJ (Author), ID Karer, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 83870382D64CAABA7D47C4FD4E9CD5DE
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d88ea19c-6df6-44cb-8d58-c7c6b34dca0e

V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo problem postavitve in delovanja centralnega nadzornega sistema (CNS) na Inštitutu za biokemijo in Inštitutu za biologijo celice Univerze v Ljubljani Medicinske fakultete. CNS povezuje sistem splošnega prezračevanja ter prezračevanja čistih prostorov, ogrevanja in hlajenja, razsvetljave, merjenja porabe električne energije ter sistem odklepanja vrat interlock. Pri tem so opisani posamezni sistemi različnih proizvajalcev, ki so povezani v skupno komunikacijsko omrežje LON (ang. Local Operating Network). V praksi se v poslovnih objektih pojavi potreba po sistemu, ki omogoča lažje in učinkovitejše vzdrževanje ter hkrati udobnejšo uporabo prostorov uporabnikom. V ta namen se glede na podane projektantske zahteve lotimo razvoja funkcionalnega in uporabniku prijaznega nadzornega sistema SCADA (ang. Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), ki služi kot grafični vmesnik med omrežjem LON in uporabnikom ter uporabnikom omogoča spremljanje delovanja in zgodovine delovanja ter nastavljanje parametrov posameznega dela sistema. Cilj je predstaviti tehnologijo LON, poudariti pomembnejše postopke integriranja omrežja s programom LonMaker, opisati program TAC Graphic Editor za oblikovanje grafičnega vmesnika nadzornega sistema SCADA ter opisati delovanje CNS. Kot študent tretjega letnika sem ob koncu študija opravil trimesečno praktično izobraževanje v podjetju Silon d.o.o. Dejavnost podjetja je svetovanje, inženiring in spuščanje v pogon sistemov na področju avtomatizacije zgradb in varčevanja z energijo [1]. Proti koncu leta 2014 so v podjetju začeli s postavitvijo CNS-a na Medicinski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Možnost sem imel, da sem lahko izvedbo projekta spremljal od samega začetka, ko se rišejo načrti za elektroomare, v fazi izgradnje, ko se povezujejo naprave v omrežje ter pišejo programi za delovanje PLK-jev (programirljivih logičnih krmilnikov), ter do predaje projekta. Pri postavitvi CNS-a sta zaradi zahtevnosti projekta glavno vlogo pri programiranju prevzela sodelavca, ki imata dolgoletne izkušnje na tem področju. Sam pa sem poskrbel za povezavo naprav v omrežje LON ter za električni priklop PLK-jev v električnih razdelilnih omarah. Sodeloval sem tudi v fazi integracije omrežja. Napake, do katerih je prišlo zaradi neustreznega električnega priklopa električarjev, sem moral poiskati in jih odpraviti. Na koncu, ko so bile naprave povezane v omrežje LON in ko je bilo sprogramirano delovanje PLK-jev, sem delovanje naprav tudi preveril ter odpravil napake.

Keywords:omrežje LON, omrežje Modbus, program LonMaker, SCADA, CNS.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30870 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.07.2015
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Title:Building automation system at the Faculty of Medicine
The diploma thesis deals with installation and operation of the building automation system (BAS) at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana. A BAS connects the general ventilation system and ventilation of clean rooms, heating and cooling, lighting, measuring the power consumption and connecting the unlocking system of the interlock doors. The thesis describes particular systems of various manufacturers, which are connected to a common communication network LON. In practice, business premises require a system that allows easier and more efficient maintenance, while allowing comfortable use of premises for the users. For this purpose, we developed a functional and user-friendly control system SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) according to the given requirements of engineering. The system serves as a graphical interface between LON network and the user, and allows the user to monitor performance and history of operation and parameter setting of each part of the system. The objective is to present LON technology, emphasize important processes of network integration with the program LonMaker, to describe the program TAC Graphic Editor for designing the SCADA graphical interface and to describe the functioning of the BAS. As a third year student, I conducted a three-month practical training in the company Silon d.o.o. The companies is involved in consulting, engineering and launching systems in the field of building automation and energy savings [1]. Towards the end of 2014 the company began setting up a BAS at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana. I had the opportunity to monitor the implementation of the project from the very beginning: from drawing plans for the electrical cabinets, construction, connecting devices to the network and writing programs for the operation of PLCs (programmable logic controllers) to finally handing over the project. Because of the project's complexity, setting up of the BAS was taken over by my colleagues with extensive experience in the field. My job was to connect devices to LON network and to ensure electrical connection of the PLCs in the electrical cabinets. I also took part in the integrating phase of the network. I had to locate and resolve the faults caused by improper electrical connections made by the electricians. When the devices were connected to the LON network and when the operation of PLCs was programmed, I went over the operation of the equipment and eliminated any errors.

Keywords:network LON, network Modbus, program LonMaker, SCADA, BAS.

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