
Prenova razsvetljave na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko
ID ŠTAJDOHAR, JAN (Author), ID Bizjak, Grega (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B1E37B339F564FC660B56D3B668A206E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/466bfa9f-48e1-48e2-a5fe-d938223718d7

Pri energetskem pregledu stavbe Fakultete za elektrotehniko v Ljubljani je bilo ugotovljeno, da je razsvetljava prostorov na fakulteti v veliko primerih stara, neprimerna in energetsko potratna. V diplomski nalogi smo se posvetili energetski analizi prenove razsvetljave predavalnice P7 in kabineta AZ101. Pri načrtovanju in izbiri svetil smo upoštevali vse tehnične in energetske smernice za učinkovito razsvetljavo prostorov za izobraževanje. V uvodu smo opisali fizikalne osnove svetlobe, kjer so podane osnove teorij sevanja svetlobe in razpoznavanje barv svetlobe. V poglavju svetloba in človek smo opisali svetlobo in njen vpliv na vidne sposobnosti ter biološki učinek umetne svetlobe na človeško telo. V nadaljevanju so podani kriteriji kakovostne razsvetljave in pripadajoči standardi, ki se jih je potrebno držati pri načrtovanju razsvetljave notranjih prostorov. V poglavju o energetski učinkovitosti razsvetljave so opisane lastnosti in izkoristki sodobnih svetlobnih virov in njihovih predstikalnih naprav. Cilj diplomske naloge je poiskati energetsko in tehnično alternativo obstoječi razsvetljavi v primeru predavalnice in kabineta. V izračunih smo naredili primerjavo med dvema fluorescenčnima svetlobnima viroma T8 in T5 ter LED virom. Razsvetljava je bila načrtovana v skladu z evropskim standardom SIST EN 12464-1:2012, ki se nanaša na razsvetljavo delovnih mest v notranjih prostorih. Za doseganje učinkovite rabe električne energije za razsvetljavo smo se držali tehnične smernice TSG-1-004:2010. Svetlobnotehnični izračuni obravnavanih prostorov so bili izvedeni s pomočjo programskega orodja DIALux. Tlorisi razsvetljave so bili izrisani v programu AUTOcad. S pomočjo izračunov smo prišli do ugotovitve, da je najustreznejša zamenjava obstoječe razsvetljave kabineta AZ101 in predavalnice P7 svetilka s fluorescenčnimi sijalkami T5 in elektronsko predstikalno napravo. LED svetilke so se izkazale kot najvarčnejše, vendar bi bila njihova izbira zaradi trenutno visokih cen negospodarna. Tako bi bila doba povračila investicije precej dolga, po vsej verjetnosti daljša od njihove garancijske oz. življenjske dobe. LED svetilke zagotovo predstavljajo prihodnost na vseh področjih razsvetljave, saj se njihov izkoristek z leti viša, medtem ko njihova cena zaradi vse bolj masovne proizvodnje upada.

Keywords:razsvetljava šol, standard SIST EN 12464-1, energetska prenova
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Renovation of lighting instalations at Faculty of Electrical Engineering
During the energy audit of the Faculty of electrical engineering in Ljubljana it was established that the lighting of the areas at the faculty was in many cases outdated, inadequate and energy consuming. In this thesis we focus on the energy analysis of the lighting renovation of lecture hall P7 and office AZ101. In planning and selecting the lighting equipment we took into consideration all the technical and energy guidelines for an efficient lighting of educational buildings. The thesis starts with an introduction to the physical basics of light, where the basic theories of light radiation and the identification of the colours of light are presented. In the chapter “Svetloba in človek” we describe light and how it affects our visual capabilities and the biological impact of artificial light on the human body. The thesis also sets out the criteria for quality lighting and all the relevant standards that need to be complied with in designing indoor lighting. The chapter about the energy efficiency of lighting describes the characteristics and the efficacy of light sources and their ballasts. The objective of the thesis is to find an energy and technical alternative to the existing lighting for the lecture hall and office. In the calculations we compared the fluorescent light sources T8 and T5 and a LED source. The lighting was designed in accordance with the European standard SIST EN 12464-1:2012, relating to the lighting of indoor work places. For an efficient use of electric energy for lighting we followed the technical guidelines of TSG-1-004:2010. The lighting-technical calculations of the concerned areas were performed using the DIALux software. The lighting layouts were plotted using AUTOcad. Based on our calculations we concluded that the most adequate replacement of the existing lighting of office AZ101 and lecture hall P7 were lights with fluorescent lamps T5 and with electronic ballast. LED lights turned out to be the most energy efficient; however, their use would be inefficient in terms of cost due to the current high prices. Consequently, the period of recovery of the investment would be significantly long, probably longer than the warranty period/product life. LED lights unquestionably represent the future in all lighting areas, since their efficacy is increasing every year, while their price is dropping due to large-scale production.

Keywords:lighting for schools, SIST EN 12464-1 standard, energy renovation

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