
Simulacija prometnih tokov
ID OMAHEN, ANDRAŽ (Author), ID Sadikov, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Papa, Gregor (Comentor)

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MD5: 5D7DCA9D9A6F5E1FDE72C01391F5AD6A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1a17ce17-ffc3-41a1-9870-b4d310d01695

V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno delovanje programa, ki simulira tok vozil v prometnem omrežju, povezanim s semaforiziranimi križišči. Vozila se obnašajo po modelu IDM. Program smo nadgradili tako, da ga lahko v danem omrežju uporabimo za optimizacijo prometnega toka. Ker je velika problematika tudi zapora cest in njihova preureditev, smo dodali tudi grafični vmesnik, s katerim lahko uporabnik, če je treba, sestavi ali spremeni cestno omrežje in opazuje posledične spremembe v prometu. Cilj diplomske naloge je izdelati simulator, v katerem bo mogoče sestaviti semaforizirano cestno omrežje. S takim omrežjem bo mogoče optimirati časovne intervale semaforjev, kar bo zagotavljalo boljši pretok prometa. Glavni del diplomske naloge je pripraviti program za sestavo cestnih povezav, po katerih se vozijo osebna in druga vozila. Poleg povezav imamo tudi križišča, ki so semaforizirana, semaforji pa delujejo z različnimi časovnimi intervali. Program je bilo potrebno pripraviti tako, da se lahko vzporedno izvaja več simulatorjev z različnimi nastavitvami časovnih intervalov semaforjev. Cilj tega je omogočiti iskanje in določitev optimalne nastavitve intervalov semaforjev za dano cestno omrežje.

Keywords:simulator, prometni tok, optimizacija, semaforizacija, promet
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30864 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2015
OMAHEN, ANDRAŽ, 2015, Simulacija prometnih tokov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Traffic-flow simulation
This diploma thesis presents the behavior of program, which uses the traffic light enhanced transport network to simulate the traffic flow of vehicles that behave according to the IDM model. We upgraded the program to allow, for the given network, to optimize the traffic flow. Because of the overwhelming problem of road closures or their rearrangement, we added a graphical user interface with which a user can create or modify the road network to observe changes in traffic. The objective of this diploma thesis is to create a simulator with which it will be possible to construct a traffic lights road network. Using this network, it will be able to optimize the time intervals of traffic lights to improve traffic flow. The main part of this diploma thesis is to prepare a program for the composition of road links, where cars and other vehicles drive through. In addition, traffic lights at junctions are changing at different time intervals. The program has to be adapted to allow parallel execution of multiple simulators with different traffic light interval settings. The aim is to find the optimal settings of the intervals of traffic lights, the result being the most effective traffic flow.

Keywords:simulation, traffic flow, optimization, traffic lightning, traffic

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