
Interaktivna igra za odpravljanje hiperkinetične motnje pri otrocih
ID CVIKL ČERNELIČ, ROSVITA (Author), ID Pogačnik, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Marolt, Matija (Comentor)

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MD5: 9DF533E192707F7F2DCD123ECF1FD5CF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0c3e233d-6d19-4fe2-92fe-4ed9eb1f3fff

ADHD ali hiperkinetična motnja se v Evropi pojavi kar pri 10−19 % otrok in je ena najpogostejših motenj v dobi odraščanja. Motnja se kaže v obliki zmanjšane sposobnosti sledenja pouku, nezmožnosti opravljanja zadanih nalog, nezmožnosti mirnega sedenja ipd. Že nekaj časa se zaznava trend zdravljenja motnje ADHD z alternativnimi načini, med katere spada tudi trening možganov. Pri raziskovanju ADHD ter njenih značilnosti smo se podučili o zahtevah za izdelavo 2D igre, ki spada med alternativne metode zdravljenja hiperkinetične motnje. Cilj diplomske naloge je izdelati 2D otroško video igro, ki bo omogočala trening možganov z namenom povečevanja sposobnosti koncentracije in vsebovala druge karakteristike, ki smo jih spoznali s pomočjo preučevanja ADHD. Igra je v celoti izdelana v okoljih Unity ter MonoDevelop. Trend narekuje čim večje gibanje otrok med igro, zato smo v diplomsko nalogo vključili tudi sistem za zaznavanje gest Microsoft Kinect. V okviru diplomske naloge smo pridobili strokovno mnenje zdravnika specialista ter igro tudi testirali s pomočjo otrok. Na podlagi strokovnega mnenja in testiranja bi lahko uvedli nekaj izboljšav tako v sami igri, kot tudi pri načinu igranja igre.

Keywords:ADHD, Unity, MonoDevelop, Kinect, 2D igra
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30807 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.05.2015
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Secondary language

Title:An interactive game for diminution of hyperkinetic disorder in children
In Europe, ADHD or hyperkinetic disorder occurs with 10−19 % of children and is one of the most common disorders during adolescence. The disorder reflects in the form of reduced ability to follow lessons, inability to perform assigned tasks, inability to sit still, etc. Lately, there has been a trend of treating ADHD with alternative methods, which also include brain training. When researching ADHD and its features, we learnt about the requirements for making a 2D game, which is one of the alternative methods of treating Hyperkinetic disorders. The objective of this thesis is to create a 2D children's video game that allows brain training in order to increase skills levels and include other characteristics we have learnt about through the study of ADHD. The game is made entirely in the programming environments Unity and MonoDevelop. Nowadays trends dictate that children should move while playing a video game, therefore we included Microsoft Kinect, a gesture sensing input device. Within the thesis we have gained an expert opinion of a medical specialist, and also tested the game with children's cooperation. Based on the expert opinion and testing we have concluded that we could make some improvements in the game and the way of playing it.

Keywords:ADHD, Unity, MonoDevelop, Kinect, 2D game

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