
ID Jamnik, Luka (Author), ID Ažbe, Valentin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 746CCE5AC722CDD9ADE2B4112B996DA6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c14870eb-c28a-40dc-afaf-2f76b931b870

V zadnjih letih se zaradi postopnega višanja cen naftnih derivatov in s tem transporta pojavlja vedno več alternativnih oblik prevoza. Največji delež predstavljajo manjša električna vozila kot so kolesa, skuterji, skiroji, vozički ... Sploh prodaja električnih kolesih je v zadnjih letih precej narastla, saj so postala dostopnejša, cenejša in bolj učinkovita. Lahko jih uporabljajo tudi starejši ljudje in tisti, ki težje vozijo navadno kolo ali pa samo želijo nekaj pomoči in lahkotnejšo vožnjo. Velikokrat se pojavlja tudi ideja, da bi s poganjanjem kolesa, trenažerja, z napravami na fitnesu ali kakšno drugačno napravo izkoristili mehansko energijo človeka in tako proizvajali električno energijo ter s tem zaslužili ali povrnili stroške investicije. V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na ta dva problema, izdelali smo funkcionalno električno kolo in ga uporabili za merjenje proizvedene energije ob poganjanju. Izbrali smo standardno gorsko kolo in ga s pomočjo namenskega motorja s krmilnikom in akumulatorja predelali v električno kolo. Uporabili smo električni motor v pesti zadnjega kolesa. Pri predelavi smo naleteli na nekaj manjših konstrukcijskih težav, a smo vse uspešno rešili. Rezultat je bilo precej uporabno električno kolo, s katerim smo le na električni pogon dosegli hitrosti do 30 km/h in doseg okoli 30 km brez dodatne pomoči. Ko smo imeli kolo narejeno, je sledilo merjenje v laboratoriju. Uporabili smo generatorski režim obstoječega motorja v pesti zadnjega kolesa. S pomočjo stojala in digitalnega osciloskopa smo izmerili tok in napetost ob poganjanju in izračunali tudi proizvedeno energijo. Ugotovili smo, da lahko nek povprečen rekreativec proizvaja moč okoli 200 W, kratkotrajno pa tudi do 600 W ali več. Kot smo ugotovili, pa se ekonomsko gledano proizvodnja in prodaja/uporaba električne energije s poganjanjem nikakor ne izplača, glede na investicijo in trenutno ceno električne energije. V najboljšem primeru bi za povrnitev stroškov naše investicije potrebovali okoli 14 let vsakodnevnega poganjanja po 8 ur.

Keywords:električno kolo, proizvedena energija, motor, krmilnik, akumulator, generatorski režim, digitalni osciloskop
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.05.2015
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Secondary language

In recent years, due to the gradual increase in prices of petroleum products and thereby transport costs, there are more and more alternative forms of transport. The largest share consists of smaller electrical vehicles such as bicycles, scooters, carts ... Overall the sales of electric bicycles increased dramatically in recent years, as they are now more accessible, cheaper and more efficient. They can also be used by older people and those who usually have problems riding normal bicycles or just want some help and a lighter ride. Often there is also the idea, that we could use the mechanical energy of people by riding a bicycle, stationary bike, devices in the gym or some other device and use produced electricity to earn money or recover some investment costs. In this thesis we will focus on these two problems by building our own fully functional electric bicycle and use it to measure the energy produced while pedaling. We chose a standard mountain bike and transformed it into an electric bicycle with the help of a dedicated in-wheel electric motor with controller and battery. We used the motor in the rear wheel of the bicycle. While building the electric bicycle we encountered some minor construction problems but at the end we successfully resolved them all. The result was a very useful electric bicycle with which we could reach speeds up to 30km/h on electric power alone and driving range of around 30km without additional assistance. Completion of electric bike was followed by measurements in the laboratory. For this we used generator mode of the in-wheel motor. Using a bicycle stand and digital oscilloscope we measured current and voltage while pedaling and also calculated the energy produced. We have found out that the average human can produce power of about 200W, or even up to 600W or more for a short period. However, economically speaking, sales/use of electricity produced by pedaling does not pay off in any way considering the current price of electricity and the price of the investment. In the best-case scenario we would need to run the bike for 8 hours every day for around 14 years to recover the cost of our initial investment.

Keywords:electric bike, energy produced, electric motor, controller, battery, generator mode, digital oscilloscope

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