
Model pretvorbe BPEL v Amazon Simple Workflow Service : magistrsko delo
ID Ribić, Siniša (Author), ID Jurič, Matjaž Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e6776cf4-6aac-435f-bd86-300afee2202f

Izvajanje poslovnih procesov predstavlja tehnološko zapleten postopek. Za uspešno izvedbo je potrebno zadovoljiti več različnih aspektov. Z uvedbo računalništva v oblaku se izvajanje procesov seli iz lokalne infrastrukture na računalniški oblak. S tem postopkom uspešno premostimo probleme, povezane z lokalno infrastrukturo in s pridom izkoristimo vse prednosti, ki nam jih koncept računalništva v oblaku ponuja. V ta namen predlagamo nov način preslikave poslovnih procesov, s katerim poskrbimo za selitev procesa iz lokalnega okolja na računalniški oblak. Predlagani model preslikave temelji na jeziku BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) in pretvorbi njegovih ključnih konstruktov. Preslikane aktivnosti lahko v obliki delovnih tokov izvajamo na spletni storitvi SWF (Simple Workflow Service) in s tem podpremo izvajanje poslovnih procesov na računalniškem oblaku. Način preslikovanja posameznih konstruktov poslovnih procesov je odvisen od kompleksnosti aktivnosti, zato so določeni konstrukti preslikani neposredno, spet drugi pa zahtevajo dodatno dekompozicijo in preslikovanje po delih. Kompleksnejše aktivnosti so preslikane v obliki sestavljenih aktivnosti ali manjših delovnih tokov. Uspešnost preslikav posameznih aktivnosti je ovrednotena na podlagi testnega nabora poslovnih procesov. Pri uspešni verifikaciji pomemben faktor predstavlja predvsem pravilna izvedba poslovnega procesa v obliki delovnega toka spletne storitve SWF, v primerjavi z izvedbo na procesnem strežniku BPEL. Poleg verifikacije izvedbe poslovnega procesa smo preverjali tudi način izvedbe glede na zaporedje in število podanih aktivnosti in pri tem dosegli povprečno zmanjšanje števila aktivnosti za 12 %.

Keywords:poslovni procesi, delovni tokovi, BPEL, SWF, preslikava poslovnih procesov BPEL na delovne tokove spletne storitve SWF, računalništvo, računalništvo in informatika, magisteriji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Publisher:[S. Ribić]
Number of pages:105 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30800 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.05.2015
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Title:BPEL to Amazon Simple Workflow Service Transformation Model
Business processes execution is a technologically complex procedure. In order to execute processes successfully, several aspects need to be considered. With the introduction of cloud computing the process execution migrates from the local infrastructure to the cloud. By using proposed procedure we can successfully overcome the problems related to the local infrastructure and gain the advantage of all benefits provided by the cloud computing concept. For this purpose, we introduce a novel concept of business processes mapping, which takes care of process relocation from local environment to the cloud. The proposed model is based on BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) language and transformation of its key constructs. The execution of business processes on cloud computing can be supported by mapping activities in form of workflows on the SWF (Simple Workflow Service). Mapping method of individual business process constructs depends on the complexity of the activities. Some constructs are mapped directly, while others require further decomposition and part by part mapping. Furthermore, more complex activities are mapped as composite activities or smaller workflows. Mapping performance of each activity is evaluated on a test set of business processes. The correct execution of the business process in form of SWF workflow, when compared with process execution on BPEL process server, represents an important factor for achieving successful verification. In addition to performance verification, we examined the method of implementation by sequence and number of specified activities and thus achieved an average reduction of activities by 12 %.

Keywords:business processes, workflows, BPEL, SWF, business process mapping between BPEL and SWF, computer science, computer and information science, master's degree

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